worst person great point etc
one of my favorite fun facts is that kansas is in fact flatter than a pancake mathematically speaking
“arbeit macht frei” - average g*rman executive
correct. nobody has to contact the feds, as a bit or otherwise. I really don’t care whether it’s “low risk” or not, there’s no real reason to do it and nothing to be gained, as the response from them shows.
with regards to the “encouragement” thread, people here are always posting under a thousand layers of irony, but talking to or inquiring with the feds for any reason is generally a bad idea, and i don’t really care about how minor or fruitless it seems to some. it costs you absolutely nothing to not contact the feds.
“DID NOT VOTE” still won the popular vote like he does every four years but they’re never going to engage with “those people” (people who work at Kroger)
seeing full on radlibs in turbolib spaces asking why they see two women holding hands in Guangzhou without getting arrested or why they’re getting makeup tips from a super fabulous dude who isn’t censored is turning into them just actively ignoring the scolding of the “adults in the room centrists who have a ‘friend’ from the mainland”. it’s beautiful and i hope it continues