TL;DR no records found. Either HB really is a bunch of libs or I didn’t word the request well enough. Never done one of these before.
Too lib for even the FBI to care lol owned
we had a big laugh about this in the office earlier
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we just aren’t big enough
There are forums made 25 years ago about topics no one cares about with more active users than Hexbear. I’m pretty sure an AR-15 thread on a gun nut website has more posters.
And way more FBI files.
And way more FBI members
Everyone here is FBI except me
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
Fucking CSIS tracked down a friend of mine when he had been homeless for 10 years cause a distant cousin wanted a job there and they wee doing background check. They have a file
Tracking down people who use phones and pay the respective bills is these agencies job. Doesn’t mean they have a file, at max implies they don’t need one.
I guarantee one of us will do an adventurism one day, and their account will probably make mainstream news.
It already happened, it was UlyssesT and he killed Kissinger. But he made it look like natural causes so no news for us.
I hope I’m in the b-roll
If I did, they would have to spend a half hour segment explaining who Slavoj Zizek is and the pervert’s guide to ideology.
It wouldn’t surprise me too much with all the Sephiroth-posting that’s been going on here lately. Some people need to
No it’s all shitposting comrade.
I hope not
Now we’re on their radar. Smh
This is a good bit.
“Do you have a file on us?”
“No. Would you like one?”
Yes officer! Specifically what do you have on user UlyssesT
It’s not too late to nominate this as the worst post of 2023 right?
a little late for 2023
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Now they’re going to start catching on to us.
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Maybe it’s all under still.
I mentioned the old URL in my request
Does that count? Mentioning something in the comment field or wherever you put it? I’d think you’d need to include it in the proper request itself or another request. But I don’t know. Just seems like a bureaucratic thing where they’d conveniently not include that because why would they go the extra mile in transparency and being helpful?
It’s like, SUPER open ended. Like all they ask about your request is a singular text box. I mean it’s the same organization right?
My request was “I would like to request all available information regarding the website “”. Any analysis of, investigation related to, or other data about the site or users of the site where this connection is significant. The site was previously known as “” prior to 2021.”
+15 to that idea
Haha, that was you?? Sorry, but everybody in the office thought it was extremely funny.
did you ask them about beanis?
We should do a foia request and it’s just beanis. No actual request, just “hey check out this dope ass bean”
I remember when 4chan did this as a bit. They did it a few years later and a big file happened
Oh man what a premature misstep. lmao
you goof.
edit: just realised this is from a federated user. oh boy. no further comment.
Eh? I have a HB account as well.
What’s the username?
It’s this one. Don’t use it much cause I admin and can interact with all the people on HB through there
Dope. Reported for snitching. I’m not an opsec guy but I don’t email the fucking feds
I can’t tell if this is a bit but I did this by the request of another user and it’s a request for info, not a tip line. I mean HB is a public, anonymously readable social media site I promise I’m not letting them in on some kind of secret. And in any case had it returned results I think it definitely would’ve been in HB’s collective interest to know.
Post won’t load and it’s not a bit. There is no good reason to emailing the feds and potentially getting more attention. It’s pointless as well a reckless. Just like, always keep your mouth shut. It’d a low risk, but an absolutely senseless one that you’ve taken on behalf of everyone here. Getting neat little stats isn’t worth emailing the feds over. No one here agreed to it and it could potentially endanger people. Probably won’t. But what is the gain in this risk? Turns out it’s nothing. Don’t email the feds. You are a snitch
Here’s a screenshot of the post if it’s still not loading for you:
I do get what you’re saying, and it was probably against the best judgement. Though I think the risk level considering the circumstances is very low, please everyone remember that this site is completely public and in the open. Wouldn’t have dreamed of it otherwise. Stay safe and organize in appropriate spaces.
It’s dry snitching at worst. Do we have an explicit policy or rule about unilateral off-site action that leads or implicates hexbear?
We probably should, ideally, but this is basically an open forum on the clearnet so it would just be an exercise in good discipline and education for the future heroes of the revolution that spring from our ashes. This user simply goof’d and we should have a chuckle about it and never do it again unless we have a damn good reason to like if the warrant canary sings. Even then I would leave those decisions in the hands of other comrades and dip out. (hopefully reunite elsewhere from a distant proxy and a properly compartmentalised profile and identity)
This draws attention to the need for better education and reminders to be mindful that our users are global, some of them live within very real live threat matrices, and some of them are feds. Ie. don’t make a decision after weighing it against your own threat model but imagine the most vulnerable and furtive user and act in accordance with protecting their safety.
I don’t care about intent. It’s negligent and should getting banned is the punishment of making a new account. I don’t see thar as too harsh for literally talking to the feds. That isn’t being thrown in a pit. Quite a few users lately have been banned for significantly more.petty reasons and slow mod action on this is suspect as hell to me tbh
Willfully talking to the feds is snitching, end of story. This is shit that would get your knees blown off and teeth picked in in certain circles. Talking to the feds or pigs is snitching. It literally doesn’t matter why you did it, only the fact that you did. If you talk, you are a snitch and nothing you do will change the fact that you are a snitch who talked instead of keeping their goddamn mouth shut.
You’re massively reading into things
lol I’m sorry if I baited you into any bullshit over my post, but I am grateful you revealed yourself and took the heat off my post’s potential to start inter-site suspicion and conflict.
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TL;DR no records