Outright racism against Muslims is becoming normalised among Liberals. And their entire argument is that “Trump will genocide Palestinians harder”.
I’m literally just raging reading this shit.
I think the argument should be “Democrats, trying to convince wealthy conservative Jewish voters in the Philly metro to flip, rather than working with their working class Muslim base in key swing states, might have committed one of the largest self owns in history.”
Democrats can’t fail and so on and so forth
No they can finally express their racist thoughts outloud- trump gave them permission.
Liberals don’t seem to understand that scolding is not effective. They’re arguing with maybe 100,000 leftists and Muslims on twitter and r*ddit while they lost seven million votes since 2020. That’s a hell of a lot of people that are not the ones they’re scolding online. The idea of “appealing to voters” is alien to them. People will vote for you if they like your positions
“DID NOT VOTE” still won the popular vote like he does every four years but they’re never going to engage with “those people” (people who work at Kroger)
What’s really sad is there is a long history of ignoring nearly 100 million non-voters (2020, 2016, more if you’re depressed) that could be mobilized with actual ground game. But it’s no doorknocking only donations :only-throw:
Like Bernie was making inroads into the “red wall” states in the middle of the us. There are many places where the right call can stir up many people.
The people are looking to answers now, it is our call to give them ones.
I know this is a popular refrain in left circles, but it’s not entirely true. The Dems DO try to reach non-voters, or at least some of the many 501c4 orgs do this kind of outreach…
Problem is you need something that people actually want to get them to give a darn. Who knew 🤷♂️
Elaborating without doxxing myself too much: I know for a fact that each battleground state had programs to reach every college student on every major campus in these states. Several million $ went into canvassing efforts per state to get college students out to vote. Whether it actually worked…
I’m not saying there was zero doorknocking, but the fact they only focus on “Battleground” states means they ignored everything besides the Presidential race, including and especially state and local elections. Trump’s ground game was better for the simple fact that he went and did rallies beyond the battlegrounds, which helped immensely with their whole election ticket. Trump held his 2020 election numbers, and Democrats lost votes compared to 2020 despite historical advantages for incumbent administrations.
When I say The Democrats Ignore The Non-Voter I am pointing out that there are tens of millions that could be mobilized. It’s so overwhelming that it could flip Red States. Part of it comes from how the DNC top brass take for granted the non-battleground blue states in the same way they take for granted minority votes. It also why they try so hard for the Right, because (in their mind) that is the only vote that can flip. Fundamentally Democrats’ strategy for non-voters is disorganized, fragmented, and bereft of supported policies they can woo voters.
Several million $ went into canvassing efforts per state to get college students out to vote. Whether it actually worked…
I say this with all respect for people pounding pavement, but canvassing for college votes for the administration that cracked down on college protestors over Palestine is exactly the tone-deaf “strategy” of the DNC. It’s hard to argue that Palestine wasn’t just front and center, but that it also revealed many other ugly truths about Democrats.
The end result is a party that is divorced from reality, and they reaped all what they (didn’t) sow. At this rate the Democrats have no chance in the 2026 midterms, nor the 2028 Presidency. I point all of this out because I do think leftists have an opportunity to exploit on these critiques and organize into an alternatives on the local level. From a constellation of local organizing we can affiliate into stronger coalitions for state and national power.
86% of muslims voted for Biden. That ended up with full support for genocide and sending some of the largest Zionists of the party out to areas with large muslim populations lecturing them about how Palestinians deserve to die during the election campaign. At least they didn’t send Fetterman I guess.
The efficacy of voting blue in order to get your agenda through is pretty obviously bullshit.
Dems are doing a better job of radicalizing people than we could ourselves
Think of how many people saw this circus play out, realized they could meaningfully do nothing within the confines of the system, and were lectured like they were petulant toddlers after
Capitalism is producing its own gravediggers and so on.
Love the moralising too.
One of the top comments was “basically here’s what happened, they had an option to eat slightly stale cereal or elect somebody that would kill them and their whole family and they decided they really didn’t want to eat the stale cereal.”
If I had to sum up liberals “comparing genocide to eating slightly stale cereal” would be a really good start
I feel like these people just do not interpret the news as real events that occur. What do they think is happening in Palestine? Why the dumb ass allegory, especially when your side is LITERALLY KILLING THEIR ENTIRE FAMILY.
Atleast it’s not Harry Potter this time.
You say that like they aren’t eating Hogwarts flavored Lucky Charms or whatever the fuck.
The “carrot” approach clearly isn’t working. Im sorry to say but some people genuinely need “the stick”. They need to be shamed and reminded of their inaction when it came to not voting Harris.
Carrot approach? When? Where? What carrots?
I’ve been begging for half a carrot. Even just lie and tell me there’s a carrot. That’s my bare minimum.
they don’t even respect us enough to lie, it would risk scaring the donors
the beatings will continue until morale improves
The last time the Democrats did the carrot approach was Obama 2008. And he won by an absolute landslide. Every other time was “You don’t want the current Republican to do these bad things, do you?”
What, is promising to bury more Palestinian mothers in rubble not a good enough incentive for you?
imo these people are just so privileged and entitled that they think giving potential voters nothing but being slightly less outwardly fascist is “the carrot”
it makes no sense to me how regardless of the outcome they think they can blame anyone but the democratic party. coke isn’t entitled that i buy their product over pepsi and neither of them are entitled that i buy their product. why would it be any different for voting, especially in a country where as many have pointed out, your vote boils down to consumer validation rather than actually exercising some supposed democratic right?
reddit libs have absolutely jumped the shark.
yesterday, the top post on /r/pics was a bunch of random photos with the title Top general and 500 N. Korean soldiers killed by British Storm Shadow missiles Nov. 20 inside Russia. Cringe-worthy propaganda is all over every major subreddit and getting updooted to the top. half of it must be bots or astroturfing, but that means there’s still tens of thousands of people doubling and tripling down on truly silly pro-US empire propaganda.
yeah… I’ve noticed the same recently. Updoored propaganda, which is why I avoid Reddit even more now.
I’ve said this before, but the catastrophic blunder the liberals are making here is not concentrating simply on Muslims but going after all minorities simultaneously
The way some of these filthy scum talk, you’d think the supermajority of POC’s actively voted for Trump and by not focusing solely on one minority group they’re instead targeting Black people, Hispanics, and even Native Americans along with muslims
The left hand does not know what the right hand is doing, some liberals are more anti-black then they’re anti-Hispanic so they want to blame the loss on black men, others are more Islamophobic, another faction is really peeved by the so-called “Hispanic betrayal” despite the fact Harris promised to implement Trump’s immigration policy and Biden deported more people than Trump did in his first term
All of this is like acid on the funding and support structure of the democratic coalition and people are starting to notice every day it continues, liberals still haven’t figured out that the kayfabe of social inclusive and anti-racism is what sustains their party, and now they’re actively trying to tear their foundation apart because blaming elites is simply not comprehensible to them
Millions of POC’s will never again vote dem because of this hate campaign and by the time (around the midterms) dem pundits panic and start posting articles about the dangers of alienating their base it’ll be too late
even Native Americans
If you crunch the numbers, it’s basically
Voted for Trump: 0.67%
Voted for Harris: 0.33%
Voted for neither: 99%A liberal will scream incoherently for hours if you showed them this