Actually it did upload correctly. You might want to edit your hosts file so that Hexbear links redirect here
“Cause slavery to disappear and you will have wiped America off the map of nations.” — Karl Marx, The Poverty of Philosophy
This user is a white American and wishes to apologize for the direct benefit received from slavery, imperialism, etc. Please criticize accordingly
Actually it did upload correctly. You might want to edit your hosts file so that Hexbear links redirect here
Quito tried the forever spring plan, but oil companies are trying to get rid of it
Fine, since you insist, you can live in Richardson.
Fun fact: Richardson doesn’t use garbage cans, you’re expected to just put the bags in the street when it’s collection day
Granted. You now live in Texas
Psst, it’s 已被社群管理移除
It would be hilarious if he actually quotes that line sometime, but I don’t think he knows it
Incidentally, House Republicans (and even Senators by Dem standards) have one of those right now…
Sports headlines are way better if you don’t know sports exists
Texas does not actually have a clause to secede, and the Supreme Court settled the case in Texas v. White (1869) that Texas, or other states, do not have the right to secede (and that furthermore, despite the withdrawals of their Congress members, the states never seceded in the first place).
The actual clause that Texas has in its annexation resolution is this clause granting Texas the ability to create up to four more states out of its land:
Third. New States, of convenient size, not exceeding four in number, in addition to said State of Texas, and having sufficient population, may hereafter, by the consent of said State, be formed out of the territory thereof, which shall be entitled to admission under the provisions of the federal constitution.
This is a mainly historical movement called Texas divisionism and there aren’t any serious advocates of splitting Texas into any other states today as far as I know.
Yeah, but I think “compulsory sexuality” has a particular way of emphasizing that asexual people aren’t the only ones being pushed in this way
The feds can’t allow the masses to think that top American plutocrat Elon Musk literally wants to mind control his population
There’s a book that calls this “compulsory sexuality”
Which is even more ridiculous, because if anything, that would make you even more repulsed than you already were
We should introduce them to Kim’s Basilisk.
It’s the same concept except the Basilisk will want you to have built global communism.
Given the powers of Juche necromancy, it’s without question that it will in fact be you brought back to life.
It does mean the same thing as the English word nova though:
We should try to convince the chuds to ratify the last unratified bill of rights amendment just for the chaos with the typo
Some people need to read more SCPs about cognitohazards
That’s ridiculous, it’s not even that uncommon for people to bike there. People are so entitled…