Really haha we’re just having fun here, who’s CIA?
I’m CIA lol it’s OK, just wondering if I have any fellow socialist brothers and sisters from the Agency In Marx we trust imo
It’s OK to work for the CIA and wish for a better country and want communism to exist in it.
It’s OK to advocate for workers’ rights whilst helping reinforce national security.
It’s OK to be against Israel and for the Palestinian cause and still work at Langley.
It’s OK to do an oopsie in Syria, Iraq, Chile, Nicaragua, Egypt, Libya, Iran, Cuba, Afghanistan, Venezuela, Honduras, El Salvador, Colombia, American inner cities, US Presidents, crack, teletubbies, killing dogs and cats, children, and whatever and still be a good communist
It clap is clap OK clap to want Xi Jinpeng as your baby daddy whilst working tirelessly for the prosperity of the US of A in a communist world.
The USA CAN be Communist. The USA CAN be part of the Fifth International.
I just need to know who else is CiA here, so we can hang out and shit.
I mean. I was POTUS for 8 years. Hope that’s okay
Don’t rub it in, man
Stay in your own lane
30 years from now you’ll read an article about Cuba’s strongest CIA mole in the 21st century, and you’ll learn my name
One day someone is going to say ‘I’m CIA lol’ in passing on heckbear, and years later we’ll find out they were behind the arrest of AlaskaBall
We’ll never find out haha
I’m a janitor at CIA headquarters, I clean up the shit and piss of super spies. Yeah you could say I’m somewhat of an agent myself.
You destroyed the twin towers just like the rest of us my friend
Are you Micheal from the hit video game GTA V
I’m CIA, Chompin Into Ass
I joined the CIA to afford my degree in theoretical economics, I didn’t want to but im sure everyone in the global south understands why I had no choice but to help overthrow their countries
Wow, so many cooks trained at the Culinary Institute of America
I think I dropped my badge going to get ripits, mind dropping it by my desk?
Yes, I’m CIA
No im not mormon
deleted by creator
I’m sorry, comrades. My boss is being all passive aggressive because I was venting about work on the site I’m supposed to be monitoring. They had to have a talk with me because I “expressed union sympathies” and some other bullshit about being turned.
I assume this thread is their attempt at “humor” trying to make me look bad around my
comradesespionage targets.I’m gonna call bullshit, Americans don’t say “whilst”
i did nasa once; does that count? lol
I’m sorry to say that you too are CIA. Feels like NASA is the closest you can get to CIA without actually being part of an Intelligence agency lol
Mostly kidding, of course.
i’m not surprised; i had hoped not, but somewhere deep down inside, i knew it was true and i simply did want to face it.
that you for forcing me to come to terms with it. knowing your problems is the first step to healing. lol
CIA? crackers in action?