Really haha we’re just having fun here, who’s CIA?

I’m CIA lol it’s OK, just wondering if I have any fellow socialist brothers and sisters from the Agency red-fist In Marx we trust imo

It’s OK to work for the CIA and wish for a better country and want communism to exist in it.

It’s OK to advocate for workers’ rights whilst helping reinforce national security.

It’s OK to be against Israel and for the Palestinian cause and still work at Langley.

It’s OK to do an oopsie in Syria, Iraq, Chile, Nicaragua, Egypt, Libya, Iran, Cuba, Afghanistan, Venezuela, Honduras, El Salvador, Colombia, American inner cities, US Presidents, crack, teletubbies, killing dogs and cats, children, and whatever and still be a good communist

It clap is clap OK clap to want Xi Jinpeng as your baby daddy whilst working tirelessly for the prosperity of the US of A in a communist world.

The USA CAN be Communist. The USA CAN be part of the Fifth International.

I just need to know who else is CiA here, so we can hang out and shit.

  • Blockocheese [any]
    2 months ago

    I joined the CIA to afford my degree in theoretical economics, I didn’t want to but im sure everyone in the global south understands why I had no choice but to help overthrow their countries