• LustyArgonianMana@lemmy.worldOP
    7 days ago

    That’s not my interpretation but I accept it’s yours. As a queer person, I see it simply pointing out the pandering while still allowing my rights to be eroded. They could have easily put something pandering to women there as well, which would be more apropos considering Dem failure and incompetence to pass laws regarding abortion rights which later resulted in harm to women when abortion rights were eroded. And Dem incompetence is unacceptable as an excuse - doctors are tried for negligence with their job when it results in killing a patient. It’s not a cutsy oops when the Dems do it either. They absolutely share blame for the women currently dying.

    It’s okay to be white. It’s what I am. Race isn’t performative anyway. It isn’t okay to enforce white supremacy, and I’m not.

    Bernie campaign issues (and Bernie would have won against Trump, he was more popular overall than Trump or Hilary - this is what I mean when I say Dems let Trump win in 2016 rather than vote for Bernie/a progressive): https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/11/14/16640082/donna-brazile-warren-bernie-sanders-democratic-primary-rigged

    The core facts are straightforward: As Barack Obama’s presidency drew to a close, the DNC was deep in debt. In return for a bailout, DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz gave Hillary Clinton’s campaign more potential control over its operations and hiring decisions than was either ethical or wise.


    The DNC, in response to inappropriate behavior from a Sanders staffer who DNC staff had recommended and the campaign had already fired [and reported], suspended Sanders’ access to important voter data in violation of its contract with his campaign.

    While Clinton was dinging Sanders on his ostensible disregard for party fundraising, the “so-called joint fundraising committee comprised of Clinton’s presidential campaign, the Democratic National Committee and 32 state party committees” was exploiting loopholes in campaign finance laws to funnel the bulk of its resources to Clinton and Clinton alone.

    Even into late May, DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz was leaning heavily into biased, anti-Sanders messaging, and leaked emails confirm that she and other DNC leaders actively sought to undermine the Sanders campaign.

    inappropriately including superdelegates in their reporting to make it look like Clinton was winning big

    They should also, however, more seriously consider where voters’ concerns come from and stop insisting the system isn’t “rigged.” People think “the entire political process is unfair” because it is. And many doubt that “the outcome of the [Democratic primary] process was legitimate” for good reason.

    Lol it’s amazing. I’m trying to stop us all from certain death by getting people to talk about and want policies that will keep us alive - we are just in such a bad situation that those policies will have to be extreme or we will all literally die. Dems don’t have those policies. They are going to kill us. We need real leftists and real progressives to live. In the meantime, sure, vote for the best candidate available to you. But like, AMOC collapse is imminent within years. It could be next year. Do you think it helps the world’s poorest people to vote in capitalist governments that exacerbate climate change that then kills the world’s poorest people?

    Capitalism requires poverty and slavery in order to extract wealth and give it to the capitalists. It should be illegal to extract wealth from another human being like that. We should all have equal ownership in our workplaces.