So I’ve recently been trying to use the term “2SLGBTQQIA+” over “LGBTQ” as it seems more inclusive, and includes first nation peoples beliefs on sexuality and gender, as well as including and differentiating “queer” from “questioning”. It’s not perfect (still combines A for ally and A for Asexual) but I think ally could just be included in the “+” portion. Regardless, It seems that people unfamiliar with this term just think I’m being a smart ass or a bigot. When truly I want to know what the limits of what “the community” feel is appropriate. Thank you to anyone who can shed some light on this for me.

    1 year ago

    I have no complaints about including 2S in the mega-acronym for Two-spirited people out there, but the L has gone first since the 90’s because of the role Lesbians played in taking care of men diagnosed with HIV during the AIDS crisis. Those who contracted HIV were often very ill and exiled from family, plus there were few medical services for this area, plus the concern around contagion - so lesbians in the LGBT+ community stepped up and became caretakers for them. It was just a small way of saying thankyou that I think is important to keep.

  • As someone who is part of the LGBT group, I personally think it’s getting ridiculous that we just keep adding letters and things to an already ineloquent shortening. We need a new name that just includes all people intrinsically in the name.

    How about… Human?

      1 year ago

      I like “person” just in case we need to include non-human lifeforms at some point.

      We could be invaded by an advanced alien species, or cephalopods might be more sentient than we realise, you never know!