20s ADHDer, lesbian, 🌱, she/her

Certified Zoomer.

I use Arch (btw)

Master of jack, trades of all none—or however that saying goes, I don’t remember.


  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • I did it!!! I sent the email AND I FEEL AMAZING. I couldn’t figure out how to explain that I sent this way past when I should have, so I just opened the email with this:


    Thank you for your patience over the past few months, I was unable to finish writing a reply due to force majeure.

    sentence about what the email is about

    With this new request there is ample documentation, coherent and eloquent arguments, all accompanied with supporting evidence that should imbue a greater sense of understanding regarding the request upon reading.

    Regards, name

    Attached with literally what I had wrote all those months ago (polished with an hour of proof reading + fixing up citations). It was this easy to do, but apparently it was easier to have panic attacks instead… I’m just so glad it’s over, now I can finally read and action the “new” emails I have pilled up over the past couple of months!

  • I’ve been procrastinating sending off an important email for about three months now. I did 95% of the email (basically a structured essay with thorough citations) and got stat decs done to back it up, plus all the other supporting documents I need. Since then I’ve been having severe anxiety about finishing it every day and I haven’t touched it since. My cursed ADHD + anxiety combo has had me in a vicious cycle of not doing anything about it yet worrying still. I’m kept up at night with the dread of not finishing such a simple task, completely helpless to and at the mercy of my shoddy executive functioning.

    Today, I’m breaking that cycle. I’m fucking going to proof read it and send it off even if it’s not “perfectly” done, it’s going to happen despite all my brain’s attempts at stopping it. I’m not happy with it, but it’s better late and imperfect than never and forgotten.