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Cake day: July 15th, 2023


  • I found this interesting article when trying to understand why he’s doing what he’s doing with Twitter. What was Elon Musk’s strategy for Twitter? - NBC News

    On the day that public records revealed that Elon Musk had become Twitter’s biggest shareholder, an unknown sender texted the billionaire and recommended an article imploring him to acquire the social network outright.

    Musk’s purchase of Twitter, the 3,000-word anonymous article said, would amount to a “declaration of war against the Globalist American Empire.” The sender of the texts was offering Musk, the Tesla and SpaceX CEO, a playbook for the takeover and transformation of Twitter…

    The text messages described a series of actions Musk should take after he gained full control of the social media platform: “Step 1: Blame the platform for its users; Step 2: Coordinated pressure campaign; Step 3: Exodus of the Bluechecks; Step 4: Deplatforming.”

    That pressure campaign is against the Anti Defamation League which Musk has been trying to do.

    So I guess he’s doing it all for far right adulation.

  • What was Elon Musk’s strategy for Twitter?

    Well, he is kinda following a random message he got from an unknown person:

    The three texts were sent on April 4, 2022. In the nearly 18 months since then, many of the decisions Musk made after he bought Twitter appear to have closely followed that road map, up to and including his ongoing attacks against the Anti-Defamation League, a nonprofit organization founded by Jewish Americans to counter discrimination.

    The text messages described a series of actions Musk should take after he gained full control of the social media platform: “Step 1: Blame the platform for its users; Step 2: Coordinated pressure campaign; Step 3: Exodus of the Bluechecks; Step 4: Deplatforming.”

    Seems he’s killing it to get cheers and adulation from the far right.

  • What was Elon Musk’s strategy for Twitter? - NBC News

    The three texts were sent on April 4, 2022. In the nearly 18 months since then, many of the decisions Musk made after he bought Twitter appear to have closely followed that road map, up to and including his ongoing attacks against the Anti-Defamation League, a nonprofit organization founded by Jewish Americans to counter discrimination.

    The text messages described a series of actions Musk should take after he gained full control of the social media platform: “Step 1: Blame the platform for its users; Step 2: Coordinated pressure campaign; Step 3: Exodus of the Bluechecks; Step 4: Deplatforming.”

    The messages from the unknown sender were revealed in a court filing last year as evidence in a lawsuit Twitter brought against Musk after he tried to back out of buying it. The redacted documents were unearthed by The Chancery Daily, an independent legal publication covering proceedings before the Delaware Court of Chancery.

    The wording of the texts matches the subtitles of the article, “The Battle of the Century: Here’s What Happens if Elon Musk Buys Twitter,” which had been published three days earlier on the right-wing website revolver.news.

    He’s following a stupid right wing plan to screw it up. It’s all on purpose.

  • How long have they been ethically non-monogamous? Have they done the work to be ready to do it? I go to polyamory meetups and this isn’t unusual for couples who have recently changed the type of relationship they had and didn’t do much, if any, of the prep work. There is a lifetime of monogamy centric, or exclusive, experiences and media consumption that can be hard to let go of for some people.

    Whether it’s jealousy or insecurity or something totally unrelated to your and Kay’s relationship, it’ll be up to you to communicate your own needs, concerns, or anything else and decide whether or not you want to continue, change, or end the relationship based on those discussions.

    I’m crossing my fingers for you that he’s not an “ENM for me but not for thee” kind of person. If he is, then Kay will also have to decide if the relationship with Jon is something she wants. That, too, isn’t unusual in new ENM couples.

  • In it, CIA spokesman and podcast host Walter Trosin cites the claims of agency historians that the majority of the CIA’s clandestine activities in its history “bolstered” popularly elected governments.

    “We should acknowledge, though, that this is, therefore, a really significant exception to that rule,” Trosin says of the 1953 coup.

    CIA historian Brent Geary, appearing on the podcast, agrees.

    “This is one of the exceptions to that,” Geary says.

    I don’t know, it really seems that most, if not all, coups brought down popularly elected governments.

  • I bet he and his family will lose so much as to “only” millionaires and be forced to move to Florida so they can continue their shady business practices. But, it may be a bit harder for them to deal with big banks and such since since now they’re definitely known to lie about nearly everything. Thinking about it, Deutsch Bank probably won’t care and they’ll be able to continue the grift with them. Who knows, maybe we’ll see Jared or Ivanka or Don Jr try their hand at politics. Imagine: Jarevanka 2024, the first husband and wife team to run for the office of the president. That would be nuts but I could see them doing it.