

Moving partially to Hexbear for the emojis and larger community (I’ll still be here and using this acc)

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Personally I look at this compass and my own thoughts are- it’s almost 100% brain worms lol… Though at least I suppose it seems they probably support Palestine, and aren’t homophobic. Which is basically just meeting the criteria of “not a blatant genocidaire/bigot”- until you realize they’re probably in support of the Banderites, NATO, and ETIP (and thus effectively a genocide-supporting, warmongering bigot) and support (or lump in the ““libertarian left”” anyways) other abhorrent institutions like the EU, rogue Taipei, and the Nordic regimes.

  • Every accusation is a admission of guilt… honestly they can’t help it (though I have no sympathy for them whatsoever), this is just how the western colonial mentality operates.

    Death camps or internment camps running quietly without public notice, their states’ support of terrorism and separatism across the globe, the military serving as a incubator for unhinged right-wing partisan maniacs, and the constant focus on territorial expansion and exploitation- they can’t admit it outright, and the more brainwashed would deny it vehemently if pressed on the matter, but all these things are standard fare for the western “democratic” regimes and everyone knows it. They can’t imagine a mindset without it.

  • Honestly IMO- while you and the many other innocent Ukrainians have my utmost sympathy if nothing else- those with sense should probably leave the country, or at least hope their homes lie behind the Russian side of the border when all this is said and done. But that’s just my opinion as an outsider, of course you probably have a better feel for how things are on the ground there.

    There’s no reason to believe the Nazis will be ousted anytime soon, not anywhere without Russian assistance, at least. By-and-large they’ve preserved their ideologically-aligned troops while sending the conscripts to the front to die- and they have the backing of the entire west behind them. Meanwhile, whatever will remain of the country has a “bright future” ahead of it as a heavily indebted, militarized BlackRock fiefdom.

    Honestly? I genuinely think that Russian annexation is the best of a plethora of bad options and possibilities for Ukraine’s future ahead. Though there’s no way in hell the Russians would want the westernmost portions FWIW.

  • It’s just proof once again of what everyone knows (whether they admit it or not)- there are almost no military-aged “civilians” in Pissrael.

    Armed settlers are not civilians, they are a foreign invading force, only the children can be considered “civilians,” particularly in such a society where the settler-colonial project is in a more incomplete stage than the “near-total genocide success stories” of the Anglo-settler world. Literal “IDF” (IOF) stormtroopers are not civilians.

  • Sounds like they’re “sensible” nationalists at least, then- the kinds who presumably can recognize that plunging Europe into WW3 with their much larger, nuclear-armed neighbor is a terrible idea for their nation, and has a good chance of making Estonian a language only spoken in hell.

    It’s a measure of common sense that- for all that their politics are no doubt disgusting otherwise- is pleasantly refreshing, due to how rare it is and how low the bar has gotten across the west.

  • This was a perfect deal for the US elites and their thoroughly corrupt system, which is detached from the reality on the ground, a collective delusion maintained through sheer terroristic might and constant propagandizing.

    For the US as a country? For its people, for the foundations of its true economy and domination of the mechanisms of trade and finance, for its reputation (at home and abroad), for the sustaining of its racist, imperialist, settler-colonial ethos? And for the foundations of its global network of compradors, in the long-term? I would call what has happened so far a likely fatal blow- the results of which, we will be seeing bleed out possibly for decades (and good riddance!)

    If you ask me, the actions of the neocons and the Biden administration in particular (though all other administrations in recent history have been working towards this point- save for perhaps Trump, though he’s terrible in his own right for countless other reasons) these past 4 years have been the equivalent of finally (after decades of ever-increasing neoliberal starvation and neglect) gutting their golden goose of empire. What remains is a carcass running on fumes and the hopes that maybe, just maybe, they can terrorize the rest of the world enough to stuff their goose full of plunder yet again- meanwhile all the crooks are stuffing their pockets, and escalating to achieve the prior goals mentioned, while the getting is good.

    The same manic panic that characterized the last days of Hitler in his fuhrerbunker- that Ukraine and the Zionist-occupation regime are heading towards- the same cartoonish crookedness and derangement Zelensky and Netanyahu are displaying- if you ask me, the western elites are in an incredibly similar pickle, if not quite so far down that road yet, with the sole important distinction being that due to their imperial hubris, I doubt any of the neocons and western elites in general have the slightest fear of ever facing personal consequences for their crimes, or not being able to escape the fallout to their bunkers, private islands, and guarded compounds.

  • Also, AmeriKKKa was the direct inspiration for Lebensraum, the “final solution,” and much if not all of the Nazi policies regarding racial “purity” and eugenics.

    The Nazi problem was (and still is) an offshoot of the broader AmeriKKKan/settler-colonial problem. It was borne from it, nurtured by it, to this day it thrives because of Anglo-AmeriKKKan support, and frankly- the Nazis could only dream, of doing all the damage the Anglos have done- exterminating almost two continents’ worth of indigenous peoples, terrorizing the entire world for centuries, supporting all the most horrendous examples of (in)humanity across the world (Nazis included) to destabilize the entire globe, and finally, having become such a hegemonic, monstrous beast as th AmeriKKKan empire is now…

  • I hope in his mental spiral, he is haunted by delusions of all his victims- in Palestine, in Russia and Ukraine, across the MENA region, etc… I hope he can’t sleep at night, and lives one foot in the grave, and wastes away as painfully as possible. I hope he knows he is a disgrace to that Irish heritage he so proudly (and clearly, undeservedly) wears on his sleeve; I hope he knows that likely, his ancestors would be disgusted at what their failson of a descendant has become.

    Maybe if we’re lucky, in a decade or two we’ll see a (even more) drug-addled, mentally degraded Biden facing a tribunal for his crimes. Won’t matter if he’ll be in his 90s, or even past 100, justice for genocide has no expiration date.

  • Honestly, so much of the Judeo-Christian (if not just most Abrahamic) beliefs seem centered around shitting on everything that came prior, as well as other peoples’ beliefs. The Christian take on it in particular- notably the western, Latin-derived (Catholic/Protestant/etc) denominations strike me as having tendencies of being especially spiteful and mean-spirited in this regard.