Thanks for posting this dude, this is exactly what I was referencing in my comment lol. Just a funny llinked in lunatic”
2023 Reddit Refugee
On Decentralization:
“We no longer have choice. We no longer have voice. And what is left when you have no choice and no voice? Exit.” - Andreas Antonopoulos
Thanks for posting this dude, this is exactly what I was referencing in my comment lol. Just a funny llinked in lunatic”
Ooh! You sound sexy and I definitely want to be your pen pal! I’ve sent you a DM!
Also, I have a great business opportunity for you if you’re interested! Have you ever heard of NFTs?
NFTs went away for a while because of crime and scams, but they fixed all those problems I swear. NFTs are the sexiest investment a sexy person could make, and they’re even better now that the leaders are implementing AI! It’s going to be revolutionary! It’s like E = Mc2, but now it’s E = Mc2 + AI. It’s the bees knees! It’ll make Stephen Hawking blush! I’ll help broker it for you, and if you send me 1 NFT, I will send you 2 back just because I like you.
Can’t wait for your reply!! ❤️
As a hopefully former windows user (been on Linux full time only for ~45 days), that makes sense to me. As a Linux noob, it sounds like it would work?? Wish I knew, but I can say I love Linux Mint at least.
Def research if it’s possible. And if you can, best of luck with the switch. Hope it’s smooth without much hiccups.
I’m a millennial with a weird sense of humour lol. I try to diversify what I can, so I love classic old timey movies. Gone with the wind is great, and this meme just popped in my head so I whipped it up. Side note - I like old Chaplin movies, even some silent films too! One thing I’m gonna try to do is watch the “top movie of every year” for every year that movies were made. Seems like a fun challenge and a way to explore stuff I’ve never seen. My spouse won’t participate because she’s not really a movie person, so it’ll be something I’ll have to tackle solo! Could be fun.
You can tell I’m a millennial because a lot of my sentences around here end with lol, lol.
No issues with trackpad. Worked immediately once I set up the OS. It doesn’t have the multi touch gestures i was accumulated to. I can still two finger scroll through pages, but scrolling speed is a little too fast for me without the ability to modulate it. When I get some time to sit down with it I’ll research what ways I can tweak it, because native settings has no customisation.
WiFi worked flawless for me. I installed OS with Ethernet cable plugged in, opened Driver Manager app, and it detected an available Broadcom driver for me to install. Quick update and reboot later and WiFi was perfect.
I only know Broadcom driver was available for my 2012 MacBook Pro Mid Summer. If you don’t have Broadcom you’ll need to search online for compatible driver. I think someone else commented here they had a 2015 and it didn’t work out for them.
Darn, maybe it’s too new then, or maybe locked down drivers? Hopefully a solution opens up for Linux compatibility. Else, perhaps you can buy one of those miniature usb wi-fi dongles - a compromise for sure, but something to potentially consider.
Dead ass, bro?! Ong I swear I thought this was Linux fr. At least I got my bonzi buddy on my desktop, I swear on me mum
Edit: I have no idea how the kids talk these days.
All the familiar gestures that make MacOS great to use don’t work here. Candidly I haven’t tried anything else apart from the typical use such as scrolling with two fingers - and that works just fine, but it’s just really fast. I didn’t see an option to slow down two finger scroll speed, so I’ll play around with that next time and see what options there are.
Ooh that’s a good point. I’ll install Steam and see what this computer can handle! I’ll probably use it more for idle/cosy games, but I’m sure there’s some 3-D ones that could play well on here. My current gaming setups are Steam Deck when I want to be away from desk, and if I’m serious for gaming time it’s on my desk PC.
When I first installed it, it was running 22 (whatever version before Xia). Then, the embedded driver utility detected new drivers and I saw that there was a Broadcom driver available. The 2012 MacBook Pro had Broadcom, so I was lucky and knew this would be compatible. After updating drivers and the OS to Xia, wi-fi was working perfect!
I’m not sure for other MacBooks which may have different network cards.
Bonzi Buddy was the real OG. Some persons love Clippy, but Bonzi was always there for me.
Trump: “Our thoughts and prayers go out to them, and may the God bless our souls— I mean, God bless them and save them from hiel. It’s the DEI that made them die.”
Gestures awkwardly trying to show Christianity
Trump: “What thing do you guys do when you show prayer? Is it the hand in the air thing or…?” Puts hand straight into air.
Advisor (whispers): “Sir, that’s the sig hiel. Wrong move. You gotta fold your hands.”
Trump: “Listen, no one - and I mean no one - knows more about the Jesus than me. I love the Bible. Really loving book after all. Read it, all the pages in the Bible are great, book of love and that’s just what this country needs. My favorite books are Bible after all. I read them all and I know them, I got so many favorite stories in them. Love the sequel, too. Look, why did they have to die? I mean who knows really. But I have strong opinions that DEI is the problem in some way. We’re gonna figure it out, we’ve got men looking into it, and certainly not the women.”
deleted by creator
It will NEVER happen, but I’m still gonna try!
Aww, it’s so cute how the snake lets the orange thing that smells like burgers wear the crown! 🥰
(All objects featured, including wardrobe, sponsored in part by russian man with no term limits)
It’s been a day. We pine for our hero. Will you answer the call?
I never really think about the perspective that others like or enjoy the smell of tobacco. I’ve smelled Black and Mild before and that was tolerable enough, but still not appreciated.
I dislike the smell. But I also actively avoid tobacco and others smoking, primarily for health reasons we’re all aware of. However, tobacco, marijuana, etc. smells are migraine-triggers for me. If I’m around it too long, I could spiral into a terrible migraine that takes days to recover where I’m bed ridden and vomiting for at least a day. Migraines be no fun.
Just an FYI that the Smart cancer has already began infecting computer monitors. It won’t be long until there are no more dumb monitors.
Samsung and LG make smart computer monitors. There are probably many others.