• UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    It’s really that the world becomes more liberal as it goes on.

    I don’t even think it has. It feels like we’re in the same conflicts that have existed since at least the 60s era of the Civil Rights Movement.

    Government spying, endless warmongering, exclusionary public policy that fixates on bigoted stereotypes, hostility towards immigrants fleeing the warmongering, looming ecological disaster…

    Maybe we’re more fixated on trans kids than gay kids, or Latino immigrants rather than Asian immigrants, or AIs that filter out resumes by black surnames rather then racist senior managers, or climate change rather than leaded gasoline and sulfur rain, but the fundamental problems are all still there.

    How do you get more conservative in the face of that? Idk. Feels more like we’re just trapped in a news cycle that fluctuates between “left is winning!” and “right is winning!” headlines.