• humanspiral@lemmy.ca
    11 hours ago

    UBI is a much better policy that “subsidizing loans just for college”. It helps all young people more than old, letting them choose a future that is best for them, while stiill making college an affordable choice. It makes college pricing more competitive, instead of trapping people too young and foolish into a path they can’t know enough to be a trap.

      • humanspiral@lemmy.ca
        25 minutes ago

        UBI is mainly the signficiant power redistribution to people and workers. Minimum wage laws can be removed, and instead of a system where it is illegal to offer you a certain wage, while somehow unpaid internships are permitted, you gain the dignity of refusing work while waiting for better.

        It is only gross power imbalance that makes you fear your employer would pay you less if they could legally, and a psychological trap that clings to the bandaid on your slavery that is minimum wage laws.