• Carrot@lemmy.today
    3 hours ago

    Mate, I’ve worked with government computers. A dacade old, take a half hour to boot up, a lag time of a few minutes to open files. The problem with what Elon’s “expert” said is that 1. 60k rows of data is nothing, even for a computer like that. It wouldn’t fail on that much data, even on decade-old computers. And 2. If something were to fail on that computer, it wouldn’t be that the hard drive overheated. Even if the hard drive got hot, it would just slow things down, not prevent data access or stop a query.

    My personal guess is this: The kid started a query on a table of a few million records. Not a lot, but enough to make a very poorly optimized query take a decent bit of ttime to run on trash hardware. Most databases put timeouts on connections as to not let a runaway query run forever. I’m guessing that after like, 20 minutes or so (pretty high for a cutoff, but if they are expecting garbage computers to be running these queries it could make sense) it times out, returning the partial result of the query. “Expert” thinks that his laptop overheated because the laptop is in fact hot.