John Brown was a deep Christian too, so I don’t know maybe there is something to it after all.
John Brown was a deep Christian too, so I don’t know maybe there is something to it after all.
There have been Christian anarchists. Jacques Ellul comes to mind. His book on propaganda is pretty good.
Yeah I like him, even if he had bad stances on some subjects (like Israel or abortion). He’s too much on the evangelical side to me, even if he was not an actual evangelical. But was right on sooooo much subjects!
I never got in to deep on his personal stances on certain issues, I thought the book propaganda was good though. I think lots of thinkers of his time had bad stances on Isreal though.
I mean its a fairly consistent view on utopian socialists (anarchists included), its social imperialism.
Kibbutz are the wet dream of utopian socialists, small self-organized enclaves built on stolen land and, of course, subsidized, what’s not to like for the average western leftist! The genocide and displacement of the indigenous peopoe is handled by others so you get to feel morally good too.