The idea that democrats would abandon their base and try to flip republicans was idiotic beyond belief. The exit polls show that practically no republicans were swayed by this, as anybody with a functioning brain could’ve told the democrats. What they ended up doing was to alienate and demoralize the people who might’ve showed up to vote for them while having no impact on the republican vote.
That’s now how democracy works child. It’s the job of the party to present a platform that inspires people to vote.
I did not come up with a reductive definition, and I linked you a detailed explanation of what socialism actually is and its relation to communism. You never addressed that, and just continued to spam your wiki link. You’re like a poster child for the Dunning-Kruger effect.
You linking to wikipedia repeatedly when trying to define socialism.
I encourage you to take your own advice and actually study instead of skimming wikipedia. You can start by studying the verso link I gave you earlier.
I see you’ve made a self referential comment there because it’s pretty obvious you are one of those people given prior ignorant statements you’ve made in this very thread.
Exactly, these are complete psychopaths who see human beings as just pawns to be moved around on their grand chess board.
It’s literally an alliance of bullies.
Not really, the government wound down the real estate market intentionally to refocus the economy on tech and industry.
90% of families in China own their home, with 80% of these homes are owned outright.
What a weird way to say support for the western installed regime forcing Ukrainians to fight a proxy war against Russia.
The truth is that Russia already has a precedent in Yugoslavia. In fact, Russia intentionally modelled Ukraine on what NATO did in Yugoslavia where they recognized the independence of breakaway regions and had them invite NATO for help.
you can always tell when people get all their political views from wikipedia 😆
It’s not Trump the Europeans need to worry about, but their own politicians who made Europe a vassal of the US.
Socialism isn’t a period of time, it’s a stage of development. Meanwhile, you’re making some claim about how many houses Xi owns, so it’s on you to tell us.
Seems like European public did absolutely nothing to prevent three-year-olds from representing them, and here you all are now.
Indeed, that was the original intent of the game to show that even if you start in the most fair conditions possible, at the end of the game one person will own everything through the process of competition. It’s vitally important for people to understand that capitalism isn’t a static system, it evolves over time as certain companies succeed and grow and it becomes increasingly difficult for others to compete with them. Competition ends up being the very engine of capital accumulation.