This is too much snow and I would like to do things outside. I would like to replace winter with a second spring. If I get 10k signatures, Obama HAS to respond.
This is too much snow and I would like to do things outside. I would like to replace winter with a second spring. If I get 10k signatures, Obama HAS to respond.
Fine, since you insist, you can live in Richardson.
Fun fact: Richardson doesn’t use garbage cans, you’re expected to just put the bags in the street when it’s collection day
Richardson is even worse. I was a bike commuter there and people would throw things at me.
That’s ridiculous, it’s not even that uncommon for people to bike there. People are so entitled…
Albeit in like 2010. I was somewhere off Audelia and Walnut Street was hell to ride down. Even now it seems like that area doesn’t have bike lanes, albeit the sidewalks look more even.