• dingus@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    If we’re going to get real for a second, I just wanted to complain a bit.

    I get that therapy is so heavily advocated for and seen as the catch all nowadays, but the mental health field itself (at least in the US, not sure about every country) needs a total overhaul. At this point I have spoken to maybe like 5-6? different therapists.

    At no point did any of these people offer anything useful to me. Most simply acted like ChatGPT…repeating what I said back to them without saying anything of much substance. Then there was one who was consistently 30 minutes late to every single session (4-5?) I had with her. Once or twice, sure I get it…but good fucking lord have at least some respect for the client. Then there was another therapist who seemed to want to get a bit more practical about things, but kept downplaying any issues I have with my cunt supervisor because she didn’t commit r**e or murder, so what she did and the way it made me feel didn’t matter. And then there are others who utilize certain methodologies where they try to teach you that all of your thoughts and feelings are invalid and wrong…as if the only way to exist as a functional being in society is to be born a different person.

    In all this, the constant feedback I hear from people is…well…you just didn’t click with that one or that one is a shitty therapist. Keep trying and you’ll find one out there that will help!

    Therapy is not cheap and not always even easy to schedule. And then going through so many shitty ones when you’re already mentally drained enough to need therapy is just even more disheartening and mentally draining.

    The point I’m getting at is not necessarily that all mental health is bunk. But I am fortunate enough to have had the means to spend multiple hundreds upon hundreds (thousands) of dollars on this ultimately unhelpful and frustrating journey. Many others are not so financially fortunate.

    If I can have a sample size of 5-6 random therapists and they are all literal trash, then the mental health field is not outputting what they should be outputting.

    It’s like I have a broken ankle and I have to go to 5 separate hospitals…yet none of the hospitals know how to fix it. So instead of trying even more hospitals, I just end up hobbling on a broken ankle which will heal mal-aligned because it’s too much time, effort, and money to continue with what seems like a futile task.

    This wouldn’t be acceptable in the field of medicine, but it somehow is in the mental health care. I don’t at all know how to fix the mental health field, but I know that it isn’t at all where it should be.