The emperor imprisons thr pirate and berates him for thr violent chaos he was perpetuating against his empire . Calling him a pirate and a terrorist
Thr pirate replies "you do the same things to your own people and foreigners. When I burn down a house you call it terrorism. When you do it. You call it thr cost of war.
My actions are vilified because I’m a pirate. Your actions are excused because you’re an emperor
Pirates and emperors
The emperor imprisons thr pirate and berates him for thr violent chaos he was perpetuating against his empire . Calling him a pirate and a terrorist
Thr pirate replies "you do the same things to your own people and foreigners. When I burn down a house you call it terrorism. When you do it. You call it thr cost of war.
My actions are vilified because I’m a pirate. Your actions are excused because you’re an emperor
… or something like that