For background, the average salary in Vietnam is around 17.3 million Vietnamese Dong (VND) per month, or about $697 USD per month.
Where is this?
HCMC, Vietnam, at FPT Software cafeteria.
Looks delicious and nicely presented
Those eggs got mauled.
In any case considering what it is… it doesn’t look horrible. Around here a buck fifty might get you that suspiciously-bright-yellow rice.
$1.50? Whaat? The food service that runs the cafeterias in the factory that I work in charge us $7.30 for a damn ham sandwich.
Your country gdp is too high. Live somewhere poorer, then you can have cheaper meal.
What’s $1.50 compared to your hourly wage?
About 8$/hour.
Haha pathetic, here in Zimbabwe I get to enjoy a 150 Trillion Zimbabwean dollar meal for work.
At least around here, if you go to some of the places frequented by office workers downtown the prices are extremely low and the quality quite high. I imagine they do very well on tips.
My brother used to wait at an Applebees type joint, (well except there was actual food and not just appetizers,)
Apparently the worst tippers were the Sunday-after-church crowd followed closely by lunch-special (soup and salad,) rush.
The problem with the soup and salad was that it was free refills so lots of work and the bill stayed low for the percentage tippers.
The question is what is your daily (or hourly) wage compared to the person eating that?
dumbstick is funny
That is kind of meat, i didn’t know what that thing called in English. It was meat wrap around a vegetable stick.
You can say drumstick, yes. Dumbstick sounds like a mild insult. I’m not mocking you, it’s a charming mistake.
You are thinking of the right word but a missing letter in the spelling of the word creates an innocent, humorous translation error. Drumstick is what these are typically called, like sticks used to play drums in music. Dumbstick instead invokes the comparison of a stupid, dumb stick, which is fun to think about.
Do you eat the stick?
Ediable, but I don’t feel like i want to eat that.