• imgprojts@lemmy.ml
      1 year ago

      On other news, the Sandoval family from equator just opened the first Mexican restaurant in space. It’s not cultural appropriation because reasons. But yeah, it took a good decade of collecting duds from 4rth of July celebrations, candles from McDonald’s quick parties, and aluminum cans from football games. They did loose tio Alberto de la Torre on the glorious flight of Condor1. Rest in piece tio! But after a few more test flights, they got cousin Freddy to try his luck. Freddy made it out of the planet with only two huevos Fritos lost. His huevos were sorely missed, but once he cut them off and got loose, he was able to steer the …what do you call a used UPS truck with a bunch of rockets attached to the back of it? Anyway, Freddy saw the Russian rocket. Okay he says he’s sorry for the minor bump… Well, we’re not sure what he’s saying right now, it’s too far. But we assume that he’s making good burritos right now. According to his current trajectory, he will come back one day. We assume he’s using the Russian parts to fix his radio. Last time he called, we only heard “ahhh!”. He was probably referring to the ruzzian rocket…“ahhh ruzzian rocket”. Anyway my people who aren’t Mexican, why would you even open a Mexican restaurant? Just open a restaurant and call it something unique and interesting. How about “the equator pizzeria” or “El suchi Equaroriano!” But regardless, the ESA…Equayorian Space Agency, has been doing great work no? Soon, Novelas3 will be launching. It will be an SMS satellite 🛰️ that will spam…allow communications to all possible phones about Novelas! Via SMS!