I suggest we stay on here untill an app with better communities support for Nostr is developed. While waiting we don’t just wait but actively support the developement. That means the developers develop, the people with the money donate and the people with advertisement skills advertise.

My proposal is to keep using lemmy with native good communities support while also step by step we migrate fully to nostr when it is ready.

As you may have noticed in the recent days EH was down for some time. The issue was that the version of lemmy that the site is running is nkt very stable. I would suggest we switch software with something more complete backend.

If @admin@exploding-heads.com has no issues I would like to run a vote. A vote that would chanve the future route of EH if the admin agree to follow the outcome of the vote.

The things that I would like you to vote are:

  1. Would you like to keep the site running?

  2. Would you like to ise another software like lemmy but better functioning?

  • i-liek-french-toast@exploding-heads.com
    1 year ago

    the more i use nostr (from browser), the more i think i don’t like it 😅 (at least current ui and features as compared to lemmy). currently i am not able to use app + firewall + vpn on android so that’s a no-go (i really hate android sometimes). might look and see if there are any decent nostr clients for linux, since linux isn’t a fucking faggot and lets me do whatever i fucking want.

    I understand nostr is still new and lot of this stuff will get worked on over time, so please don’t misunderstand me - I don’t mean to be critical of them. I think it is great what they have managed to accomplish. If anything consider these as things I think are usability items that need to be addressed before it can be on-par with lemmy.

    I also get that running the EH site probably is a lot of work and respect that as well as whatever decisions Kapow, MOB, etc make. I just don’t know if I am ready to daily drive nostr quite yet. If the app works better and I can get it to work under my strict privacy setup (fw + vpn) then maybe. Otherwise, I might just say fuck it and go back to gab or somewhere when EH lemmy instance goes offline. Maybe check back in on the nostr side in 6-12 months but I don’t tihnk I am ready for it as a daily driver.

    but the satelite earth web ui is just lacking so many things right now and feels very unintuitive. examples:

    • main page contains no faq / help links to guide new users to help documentation
    • basic tooltips for comment controls don’t exist (even from desktop). The “reply” button is pretty intuitive but the remaining buttons not so much. The webui has a star (I think in amethyst it’s a heart?) which I thought was a like button at first but appears to be similar to reddit’s “save” button. TBH, I would prefer just text-based links over icons that have no hover labels.
    • There does not appear to be a way to edit posts or comments - this is the largest deal breaker for me by far. I can’t type for shit and normally end up editing the living fuck out of comments/posts. Without the ability to edit my fuck-ups at least a little bit, there’s just no fucking way I can cope.
    • IIUC, deleting comments/posts only hides them from casual viewing on the site but they are still viewable with other tools by the world at large. This could have security and privacy implications if someone posts info they shouldn’t (imagine accidentally pasting password or personal info that was on your clipboard or a few lines from a log file that had your real IP address).
    • claims to be organized by communities similar to reddit/lemmy but lot of little differences that make things difficult: main page is divide between twitter-style (featured/following) USER tracking and a LIST of either all/subscribed communities. But page does not show posts from all/subscribed communities which would make more sense for people coming from reddit/lemmy.
    • you can only upvote on posts but not individual comments inside of a post
    • you get some retarded AI randomly replying to certain comments
    • no dedicated url for a lot of the user stuff like settings and subscribed communities - this is all done with fly-out/modal stuff
    • notifications feel very disjointed, at least in the webui. i get a number appearing next to my user name, then click it and it does this flyout menu… then i have to click on conversations which it shows me some HUGE list of all convos and for large nested convos it gets messy fast. I like the reddit/lemmy approach of just linking to a comment that you can get context to… I admit this could just be my intense hatred of flyout menus and love of dedicated urls coming to bare.
    • having id-based stuff is nice from a backend but i see lot of times where the site has it when it could simplify things with display names. like i’ll load a page and it’ll have the npub id’s of mods and users replaced with display names but then refresh and the display names are gone and its all npubs. I will give it credit that it seems to let me directly type a sub by display name as long as there are no duplicates - like I can type https://satellite.earth/n/dankmemes in the address bar and hit enter and it will resolve to https://satellite.earth/n/dankmemes/npub19m2xq36e88nnxfn6p4dnag28e62mz3tutu5lkssghf3783vxfq5qt85scz which is cool.
    • I have run into some speed issues with loading communities / subs sometimes. Not major, only like 2-10 seconds while on a VPN. But given the low user count, even compared to EH lemmy instance, I worry if this could increase as more users / posts / comments are generated.
    • While viewing posts in a community, it doesn’t show # of comments on each post, let alone new ones like lemmy do.
    • After looking for a solid 5 minutes, I still have absolutely no fucking clue how to mute or block someone using purely the website so that I don’t get notifications from them and their posts/comments are hidden. This would be kind of important if we end up getting a lot of spambots or trolls. From what I could see, it looked like at least 1 of the latter had already joined.