• bobburger@fedia.io
    4 months ago

    …Democratic leadership hasn’t been allowing the AIPAC to dump millions into primaries…

    That’s an interesting take. What can the Democratic leadership do to stop this?

    • retrospectology@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      Same thing they did when the NRA tried to play bothsides; create party rules to ban party members from taking money from them.

      AIPAC is the single biggest donor of GOP money into Democratic races, they are spending millions right now to unseat people like Jamaal Bowman and replace them with right-wingers like George Latimer. It’s in the party leadership’s interest to put a stop to that. Allowing this right-wing influence into the Democratic party is how we end up with conservative obstructionsts like Manchin.

      • bobburger@fedia.io
        3 months ago

        Banning Democratic candidates from taking campaign contributions from outside actors like the AIPAC, but those are a pretty small drop in the bucket of the total spending.

        This article summarizes the spending on the Bowman election.

        About $22 million has been spent on the Bowman/Latimer race. About $6 million of that comes from campaign spending which you suggestion might address. It would be pretty easy to bypass the restriction because most of the AIPAC funding comes from bundling individual donations; the AIPAC could send links to contributors and have them directly donate to Latimer’s campaign as individuals completely bypassing the process. So not really much the DNC can do there.

        The majority of the money being spent on the campaign (about $16 million) is from independent PACs. Even if the DNC did ban contributions from these groups going directly to campaigns, that portion of their spending is really a very small piece of the funding that’s being addressed (less than $3.2 million). The vast majority is really outside the candidates control, if a PAC wants to send out mailers and run advertisements they can pretty much do it with impunity.

        How is the DNC leadership expected to control the spending of PACs and the contributions of individuals? (Your original claim was the DNC is allowing these things to happen, I’m simply rephrasing the claim not trying to move the goal posts).

        We 100% need campaign finance reform, and less outside influence on elections in general, but blaming this situation on the DNC doesn’t seem appropriate.