• Xanis@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    The thing with Bernie is that he was able to drum up a passion and level of support from the people around him that I haven’t seen anywhere except the Right. Now I recognize it isn’t specifically him that did it. He helped and acted as a conduit and would have made a great President imho. What really brought people together was their anger and hope for true positive change.

    I’ve been paying attention and people are angry now. Angrier than they were back when Bernie tried. I sincerely hope that the anger I am seeing and hearing, not only on the Internet, but also in stores and while working, is something we grab onto. Those of us who lean left, in comparison to the right, are too patient. Too inclusive. Too willing to shift uncomfortably and not speak up.

    Get Biden in to buy time. Then take that time, stay together, and collectively plant a foot in some strategic asses.

    • HelixDab2@lemm.ee
      4 months ago

      The problem with Bernie was that while he had very vocal followers with a lot of passion, he didn’t have a lot of them. His numbers stayed pretty constant as other candidates dropped out of the primary races. (I was, and am, a Sanders supporter.) It was much like Trump; Trump consistently pulled about 30% of the primary votes. Trump won the nomination because you needed a plurality to win the nomination, and too many candidates stayed in the race too long. In the Democratic races, other candidates dropped out earlier in the races, and their supporters went to Clinton and then Biden, rather than Sanders.

      I agree with you that people on the left seem angry right now, but my fear is that they’re angry with Biden, angry over Israel, angry over an economy that feels bad, and plan on taking their anger out on Biden rather than looking at this strategically. I’m a cis-, het-, middle-aged white male that likes guns. I look conservative as long as I keep my mouth shut. I know a whoooooole lot of people that don’t have that luxury, and I’m scared for them.

      • Ensign_Crab@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        I agree with you that people on the left seem angry right now, but my fear is that they’re angry with Biden, angry over Israel, angry over an economy that feels bad, and plan on taking their anger out on Biden rather than looking at this strategically.

        I think the problem is that voting strategically in 2020 yielded the situation the left is angry at.