Pretty sure this doesn’t belong here. But, it’s been a year since I ditched my “we schedule you 32 hours, but you work 80 maybe 96 because your coworkers call out constantly” job and became a truck driver.
Pretty sure this doesn’t belong here. But, it’s been a year since I ditched my “we schedule you 32 hours, but you work 80 maybe 96 because your coworkers call out constantly” job and became a truck driver.
He works 8 days on then gets a seat amount of days off
I would routinely do 8 to 14 days on (12 hr days) on and then get 2 to 7 days off all summer for 10 years (different industry though)
I don’t recommend it TBH. Im now on a 37.5 hr week and couldn’t be happier.