• Jarix@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    That’s a really dumb argument. Sorry but literally every food is really good when you know what you are doing with it.

    It is not even a question of quality… some of the tastiest food is terrible quality used with great effect.

    That doesn’t even take into account personal preference, which is majorly just familiarity.

    The awards world is filled with awards that would never be given if there wasnt a story to go with it. This vegan cheese is an example of this as well.

    Problem is some people don’t know that and will just prepare tofu like it’s meat, and then wonder why their tofu tastes like shit.

    You arent even wrong about this, but you could say the exact same thing about damned near anything that has more than a single opinion on.

    Like literally exchange in what i quoted tofu to a burger patty and instead of “like its meat” change it to some aspect of the experience. Whether its what temperature to cook it or how thin or thick it is.

    Same exact argument based on different peoples familiarity. Many people dont have just dont care that much and also some people are really bad at cooking.

    To sum up my point, you are making a statement that is so broad it is useless