Two Colorado paramedics were convicted of criminally negligent homicide in the 2019 death of Elijah McClain, a young unarmed Black man whose case drew national attention and forced public safety reforms in the city where he lived and died.

A mostly white jury found the paramedics, Peter Cichuniec and Jeremy Cooper, guilty of a more serious charge they faced. But the jury split on two lesser assault charges: They cleared Mr. Cooper of both assault charges, but convicted Mr. Cichuniec of one of those charges, second-degree assault for the unlawful administration of drugs.

The men had injected Mr. McClain with the powerful sedative ketamine while he was in police custody in Aurora, Colo., which doctors said left him near death. He died days later in the hospital.

The trial was a rare prosecution of paramedics, and raised the question of the role that medical personnel play in police encounters and whether they could be held criminally responsible for their actions.


    10 months ago

    Few flaws in your argument. Let’s set some egos aside and discuss this intelligently as healthcare providers.

    So, it is much easier and safer for everyone to sedate someone.

    I need to call you on this, because it calls close to the desire of some people in EMS to refer to other citizens as civilians. It’s easier for us, yes, and there can be a definite need to sedate some patients. But sedation should be based on the patient’s needs and ability to be safely sedated, not based on our comfort. I’m being really persnickety here, because I’ve seen a strong increase in the “us vs. them” mentality in EMS over the years. I don’t like it, and it’s not healthy.

    maybe they thought it was an appropriate dose because we are bad at estimating weight.

    You and I can both get weight right to about 5kg with any reasonable field experience. This was a bad dosing and saying “we aren’t perfect” when the dose is 40% off is dangerous. I’ve never been a fan of ketamine, but I know versed can have shortages and sometimes we play drug-of-the-week to fix that.

    What protocols do you think will change?

    They did change, they removed ketamine from the units.

    Should we just let people die fighting with law enforcement?

    I feel like you’re trying to appeal to your authority here to say these are the only two options. Having transported the self purported devil at least twice (not the same dude the second time, but both apparently will here for my soul at some point), there are intermittent steps including restraint or our old friend the backboard to keep people from doing harm to themselves or others. This patient has been restrained and made unconscious by law enforcement. A horrible thing happened, and these guys did a 100kg dose on a paperweight kid and he died.

    Arm chairing this call by either of us won’t fix the problem nor bring the patient back. But I wanted to clarify these points, as you have experience beyond most people in the thread. Stay safe out there and I hope you get some sleep. :)