First one that comes to my mind is having to travel with an NPC and our walk/run speeds don’t match.

  • 🇰 🌀 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️
    10 months ago
    • Unskippable cutscenes and tutorials.
    • Having basic features like split screen, or even the settings themselves, locked behind progression walls.
    • This one is kinda specific to Bethesda games but fast traveling to a point only to have to load again because it put me right outside a door that is a load screen instead of putting me just inside that door so I only have to load once for the actual fast travel.
    • Not having an FOV slider.
    • Constant bullshit popping up on screen. Damage numbers, kill streak messages, onomatopoeias, etc. That shit is distracting as all fuck.
    • Games with special currencies you can pay for with real money but can also be earned by playing, but limit how much you can earn by playing.