• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I know it’s been a while but I tried the flatpak version of mpv and it’s not working. If I open the flatpak version without any music it opens but it becomes unresponsive as soon as I try to load any music. I also have no idea how to diagnose this issue as running the flatpak version in the terminal gives no error messages.

    The version that comes with Linux Mint works perfectly fine, so I don’t need the flatpak version, I’m just curious as to why the flatpak version doesn’t work.

  • Well, while MPV might be outdated, I already mentioned that I was able to get YouTube videos working by downloading a newer version of yt-dlp and creating a conf file for MPV that links to it. While I was looking into the problem, the versions available in apt for all three of these are outdated by at least a year, possible 3 years for MPV. I’m not sure if this is just a Linux Mint issue but I have noticed that a lot of the software both preinstalled and available in it’s repository, are pretty outdated.

    I might try downloading the newer versions of these later. I got MPV working and that’s good enough for me right now.

  • I know that they’re not really “programming languages” but I’ve used a little bit of Batch, HTML and CSS in the past and I also use a little bit of Bash occasionally.

    I use/used Bash and Batch mostly for creating desktop shortcuts or for running games/apps with specific parameters.

    For HTML and CSS I used to maintain my own website a few years ago through Neocities but I deleted it after about 9 months because I never got any positive feedback from the people who viewed it and I lost interest. I do occasionally think about creating another website under a different name but I have no idea what I’d do with it.

  • I’m a bit confused as to how this could be an alternative to social media. The only things I’ve known RSS feeds to be used for are keeping up with subscriptions on platforms like YouTube and Odysee or updates for games like RuneScape.

    Also, I just want to say that the last time I heard someone use the term “vcard”, it meant something completely different and I was confused at first.

  • The problem with most of the games you mentioned, it’s just different objectives or play styles and not entirely different genres. I wanted something more extreme, like for example imagine playing Monster Hunter but you chose a professional racer as your character, so the gameplay would be similar to the Need for Speed games and probably have little to no combat. With the player having the option to either go for a high acceleration build, a higher top speed with better boosts build or some other build designed around a specific vehicle they like.

    Or a better example I just thought about, was that you chose a theme park owner. So the gameplay becomes that of Roller Coaster Tycoon and you use the money you earn from your parks to hire hunters, upgrade their equipment and send them out to hunt the monsters for you.

    Also, I was mostly talking about single player games, that’s why I said “character” and not “player”.