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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • someone visiting your culture from a very different culture

    It’s not even such a different culture but I’ll share this anyway. When my husband (then boyfriend) came to visit me in Germany I complained about a loud construction on the street and that there are always constructions everywhere. To which he replied “fuck that’s great, they actually do take care of potholes and the infrastructure?! Why are you complaining? In Russia they just let everything broken and no one even attempts to fix anything ever.” Since that day I haven’t taken any maintenance work for granted.

    I’ve recently told this to a stranger at the bus stop that I happened to chat with, after we were bitching about the substitute bus always deviating from the schedule. I’m pretty proud to say it made her day and she didn’t mind at all that the bus came seven minutes late anymore.

  • As someone without a car but with a child let me tell you, cars significantly reduce our living standard.

    Most places we go I need to constantly tell my toddler not to walk too much to the left or right or run or slow down, I have to control her like a slave, or suppress her emerging wish for independence by holding her by the hand all the time, or even worse, put her in a stroller. Hell there are so many cars parked here (even on corners) that I often cannot leave the sidewalk safely with a stroller or cross the street safely (so that I would see a coming car or a coming car would see me).

    I’d happily be less of a “germophobe” and have my kid run around with dirty hands, pick up dirt, etc. But car dirt is definitely not the “healthy dirt” so no, no dirt for you. Don’t touch, don’t play.

    I want my child to grow up in a city that embraces her existence. I want her to feel like a welcomed member of society. But instead I have to keep telling her so many negative things, this is dangerous, don’t go there, don’t do this. She still loves being downtown and prefers this often to the playground or nature (which we try to encourage). She loves the tram and trains. But there are so many restrictions of free movement it breaks my heart.

    And I am in a privileged position living in a German city. I can’t even begin to imagine how devastating it would be in an even more car centric society.

  • volvoxvsmarla @lemm.eetoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldRemember that?
    4 days ago

    I absolutely don’t understand why a TV debate of two people has any influence on who will be in the office for the most powerful political position in the world. Neither does the format fit the importance, nor should the public opinion be based on a few hours of a conversation with an opponent.

    Let alone that one person/the executive branch should not hold that much power and a direct vote for the president seems like an awful way to try to get a qualified person into office.

  • This was such a nice reply, thank you, it really made my day (probably even two days). How sad that lemmy lost you, but I think I get it. It’s not 100% my vibe either. Maybe one day it will change in a way that makes you want to try it out again. I’m probably typing this into a void but just in case you pop in again you, as well, deserve a friendly hello.

    And I really hope you pop back in because frankly, having an archeologist who specialized in deathways is super interesting. I imagine you have so many things to tell. How are American deathways different from other cultures? What stands out? How did Native Americans influence the settling Europeans, and vice versa? Was there any influence to begin with? How did it change over time? What is the most heartfelt detail about how the dead were/are handled that might be special to that culture, in your opinion? What is the most grotesque aspect? How has your studies influenced how you view death itself, and how has it influenced your view on funerals? What would you do if you emigrated into a vastly different culture (in regards to last wishes etc)? What are the most common misconceptions, fun facts, and what touched you the most? And why exactly did you end up specializing in such a field anyway?

    I realize I’m probably asking these questions into a void, but man, should you ever be back here - let me know how I can read up on your work, ok?

    You remind me of a PhD candidate I met when working for theater and he was writing his thesis on Russian folklore fairy tales, and told me that he noticed a pattern of a circular repetition of themes in each story. I wish I remembered his name and were able to look up what he published, but I don’t, and it saddens me that I missed out on such an interesting topic that I would have wanted to know more about. It seems like I will miss out once more. (Hey, is that a circular repeat?)

  • So the tip is inside and not touching the vinegar (there is a 1-2 cm distance between the tip and vinegar?), right? How wide is the opening on the tip? And can’t the flies (at least some) fly out of it again back through the same opening?

    I’ve also heard something about adding a splash of soap so that they fall into the water, can that help?

    I’ve tried traps like that but mostly just with vinegar and a drop of dish soap (and no fancy cone installation) but somehow my flies ignored it. Or never fell into it I don’t know. So now I refrigerate all my fruit (even the exotic ones) in the summertime :( I’ll be happy to give it a try. Can it be normal vinegar though?

  • I’m so confused right now. We aren’t completely vegan but we mostly cook vegan at home. But like, that’s the majority of the stuff that goes bad? All the fresh vegetables and fruit? Vegan spreads, milks and yogurts go bad just as fast as dairy ones. I have the feeling oat milk goes bad faster than homogenized cow milk. Eggs never go bad. I hardly remember ever tossing a piece of meat or fish, but hell whenever I have to buy a 2 kg sack of carrots because it is just so much cheaper than 700g of carrots and 1/2 of it goes bad (and it’s still cheaper) or I buy a perfect bell pepper just to open it to find mold or that brown stuff in avocado or I buy organic lemons and they are 2/3 moldy the next day I can’t even… I have a special storage thing for potatoes and they still go bad occasionally. Yesterday garlic from the store was half rotten. Or when you didn’t notice a tomato got a hit in your bag and that injury proceeds to mold… Or when your kid tossed the apples on the floor and they all develop bruises faster than you can eat them all and they just aren’t that tasty anymore… We are trying our best to go to the store for fresh stuff daily but I feel like it is still a fight against nature.

    So for real, what are you guys talking about? Absolutely no offense, I am genuinely curious why our experiences differ so vastly.

  • I assumed it would be enough if the container was just 1/4-1/3 full, when I have space I also do that, I’ll try a full on water container next time. Btw that’s also a great way if you have chopped carrot sticks, they stay fresh for the next day(s). I think this works with all root vegetables since, well, it’s roots that are meant to take in water and transport it

    I don’t know whether this works in a horizontal position actually, I always assumed smth smth gravity, but on the other hand, when you fully immerse them then gravity can probably go out the window.

  • I’m 32 and I am constantly baffled by how inevitable we assume social media is. There are constantly articles and videos and blogs and vlogs and insta stories about how instagram and such make us either unhappy by constant comparison, by sucking up our time, by reducing our attention span, or by altering our brain chemistry. And all of this is presented in a way that doesn’t even question whether we… need an instagram account?

    When facebook etc started to come around I quite immediately realized that if I started to engage in this, in trying to present myself online or look at others’ presentations of themselves, that would be the end of me. It would suck me in. I stayed away from the beginning and I still have no instagram, facebook, tiktok, etc. I have no account on a platform where I would ever even be able to post pictures or stories of myself. And I am by far not a social outcast, introvert or alternative person. By most accounts I am very average and mainstream and I do just fine without social media (unless you count lemmy or watching some youtube video as social media). I manage to make new friends and even know what is trending without following vlogs and blogs and whatnot.

    Like, there is a life - a livable life, a life not on the outskirts of society - where social media just doesn’t play a role. Where you don’t need to consider whether this picture of you is providing too much personal information.

  • I’m not sure what country you are from, but as someone whose vote literally is counted before I even see a ballot, let me tell you, please vote or at least do something. If you don’t like the way politics in your country work, go out and demonstrate. Take it to the streets. Talk to your neighbors, make leaflets. But please don’t just go bitter and sit in your corner because everything is shit anyways. Because this is how we ended up with a lot of the messes we are having now. I “voted” for the first time this year in a rigged election and before that I also always thought the way you do. Democracy is dead, why bother, my vote doesn’t count anyway. But once I stood in this fucking line and smuggled in a non erasable pen and voted and went out knowing no one will even look at this ballot something changed.

  • Fwiw, I lost about 4 kg of my average weight (That was about 7% of my body weight) when I stopped smoking. A couple of years down the road I also quit drinking which also decreased my average weight by another 4 kg.

    (With average weight I take into consideration that I have natural, not dieting related fluctuations of about +/- 1 to 2 kg. The fluctuations are still there but the mean they deviate from is vastly different.)

    Maybe I should add that I am still eating about five pounds of sugar a day and I haven’t done sports since 2012, so don’t assume that quitting smoking meant a healthier lifestyle (sadly).