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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Whenever anyone asks me what fictional universe I want to live in, I say the Culture universe. Hands down the best sci-fi universe to live in as a regular humanoid. It’s a post-scarcity galactic paradise where if I ever get bored, I can plug into a Matrix-style simulation of any other fictional universe that’s 100% real to my senses. Or I’ll take any of a number of drugs that a gland in my brain can generate at will for shiggles. The possibilities are limitless.

  • I had a friend tell me a few days ago that they get up an hour and a half before they’re supposed to work to relax and read or shower or whatever. I can’t even picture that. I get up 30m before work and rush through coffee+oatmeal because if I slow down and think about how I have to work today it’ll make me depressed.

    It’s better to catch me unawares so I don’t have time to ruminate before I’m expected to work. Then before I know it I’ll be working and too busy to think about how I’d rather be floating on a cloud while beautiful people feed me grapes off the vine.

  • I believe also that the predominating thought in this war among the generals that plan it is that a shake up to the current status quo was needed. Invading Russia gives Ukraine a bit of leverage, plus it draws away RU troops from the front line so that Ukraine may be able to retake a bit of ground.

    Grand Poobah Pooty Putin can only say so many times that he’s moving nukes to ready status or whatever until it becomes clear he’s not going to use them. Nuking anybody, especially Ukraine, would be a tacit admission to the world that he’s losing this war. If he did, NATO would likely get involved presumably because they would consider the fallout drifting over Europe to be an act of war, but a casus belli is a casus belli.

    So yeah, I can see NATO countries being ok with a strike inside of Russia now. Makes total sense to me. I’m just surprised it took this long to get there.

  • Star Wars: Galaxies had a killer open world housing system! I loved it and nothing else I’ve played has even come close to what SW:G had. Plus, after a bit of patching they included a system where you can create a city that shows up on the map, including shuttle/fast travel points and benefits to locals. Housing wasn’t instanced, so you could build nearly anywhere on the map outside of in-game cities and other players cities. It was truly awesome. Sony Online Entertainment screwed it over again and again and again, and now it’s gone. I played that game for years.

    Never played UO but I heard good things.

  • There’s weird, and then there’s weird.

    Weird people can do things including, but not limited to: singing responses to questions, or taking their dog everywhere they’re allowed to and some places they’re not. Or growing and maintaining a long beard specifically for styling it into a bow tie shape over their collar. Maybe they paint their house in rainbow colors. And so on. All internal stuff that only affects them physically/mentally, nothing that can affect the lives of others beyond the occasional remark: “Huh, that guy’s wearing a boot on his head. That’s weird.”

    Weird people think it’s ok to remove fundamental civil rights from others by dehumanizing marginalized groups. Weird people refuse to answer questions on policy positions and instead Gish gallop until the question is forgotten in the face of the ten other falsehoods spoken in response. Weird men use makeup, but they demean other men who choose to, regardless of context. Weird people are threatened to the point of brandishing a firearm when a stranger uses their driveway to turn their car around.

    The difference here is that one type of weird affects only the weird person. Weird people’s weirdness alters the lives of others by force and against their consent. Garden variety weird people(myself included) generally keep to themselves and mind their own damn business! Anyone who can’t tell the difference between weird and weird at this point is either willfully ignoring it, or welcoming the weird because they’re not part of the out-group.

  • He did agree, but he’s placed the Fox interview before the NBC or ABC debates. So, the plan is to do the Fox debate to roaring, paid crowds where he gets softball questions and Harris gets asked transparently sealioned questions. It’ll look something like this:

    Interviewer: “Mr. President Trump, sir, how did you come by all of your elite skills playing golf? How do you maintain your unearthly, jaw dropping masculinity in the face of relentless feminization by the radical left?”

    T: rambling, incoherent 3 minute long speech about Harris’ low IQ and how immigrants want to abort your 3 month old babies

    Interviewer: “Kamala(pronounced incorrectly), why are you going to take everyone’s guns away so that they can be attacked in their own homes by the gay Mafia and immigrant caravans? Why are you going to force American man to get castrated, then put their privates into a blender, and use their extracted testosterone to turn all the girl kids into boys against their will?”

    There. No need to watch Fox debate now, I just summarized it for you.