Mama told me not to come.

She said, that ain’t the way to have fun.

  • 21 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • But it really doesn’t, unless you’re sending megabytes of text or something. Industry standard password algorithms run the hash a lot of times, and your entry will only impact the first iteration.

    I usually set mine to 256 characters to prevent DOS attacks, and also so I don’t need to update it ever. Most of my passwords are actually around 20-30 characters in length (I pick a random length in the slider on my password manager), because I don’t want to be there all day if I ever need to manually enter it (looking at you stupid smart TV…).

  • Yup. All I care is that your password isn’t the entire works of Shakespeare or something like that. A couple hundred characters/bytes? You do you.

    What really bothers me is when a website says something like: must have a special character, except these ones (proceeds to list everything except @ and !). And then the next one has the same rule, but different exceptions.

    Passwords should be treated as a black box, just read it as bytes and throw it into the hash algorithm. You want to somehow enter a nyan cat? Be my guest, no guarantee the input box will accept it though.

  • Really? I can eat a whole Costco pizza, and I have a normal BMI. I’m male and tall, so that helps.

    A whole pepperoni from Costco is a bit under 4000 calories, which isn’t quite 2x my daily recommended intake (something like 3000 calories). So I can do it, I’ll just be a bit full and that’s all I should be eating that day.

    Regular large pizzas are a lot smaller than Costco pizzas. A large from Domino’s is apparently ~2200, so two large Dominos pizzas are comparable to one Costco pizza (a little more, but not a ton more).

    So I could do it if I was really hungry, but I usually only eat about 3-4 Costco slices (around 1000-1250 calories).