The world is ugly.
We(sterners) have been the aggressors/‘bad guys’ for too many decades. We’re still the main(~only) obstacle to ‘world peace’/‘an union of diversities’. ♪ All we are saaying… ♬(, are we even trying ? we could/should/must protect them&us)

  • 47 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 12th, 2023


  • An outdated flag of Afghanistan, here’s the current one, which says : “I bear witness that there is no deity but God, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God.”

    I’m naturally opposed to their sexual apartheid denying girls the right of education(, they can still read though, and don’t have to work), but they’ve been among the 20 poorest countries for decades, and i can only dream about their honesty towards God’s research/worship/enlightenment/direction/…
    I’d need to live among them before ever hoping to understand/judge them adequately, and they can become many great things(, if worthy and که خدای کول evidently/rationally/logically/mystically/really/… ), it wouldn’t have been the same with a country as wealthy as Iraq.
    But i don’t know the future, perhaps was it for the best, probably not, i’m an outsider and shouldn’t talk about what i don’t know, it feels like they were right. People dying while shouting/affirming God’s eternal Greatness/Glory/… makes me shiver, it’s perhaps even sadder than thinking about the millions/billions of non-humans currently mistreated, at an industrial scale larger than any human tragedy(, i would hate to have their life, but fortunately they’re only machines without the aptitude to suffer i guess, and they don’t know that they could expect more, we had a duty/power/responsability, we could do more and care for their well-being, invent new ways of making their lives as enjoyable as possible, instead of aiming for a lower selling price, &).
    Let’s say that we’re gradually evolving towards less evil and that i’m misrepresenting the virtues of the past(, they did many mistakes but wars were less murderous, people were trying, nobles wrote better than nowadays, non-humans were less objectified, etc., the colonization&‘many genocides’ as well as the most awful form/scale of slavery came afterwards or at the end of this period, but i know it was far from being a blue sky, just that nowadays is so artificial/dishonest, i.d.k., i’m probably wrong,), if so then i hope we’ll continue to progress and soon stop with thefts, lies, …, and live united in diversity finally learning that hegemony isn’t a desirable goal, nor is it necessary. There’s so much to do and also quite a lot of paths to be afraid in front of us, stopping the possibility of wars/conflicts is probably less than 10% of the problems we’re facing.


  • Palestinians could have killed the hostages before being killed, but didn’t. There’s still more than a hundred and they’re still being taken care of.
    It’s my personal belief that unfair(, because they could have negociated a ceasefire, and i don’t see us supporting a killing of hundreds of israelis in order to liberate palestinian prisoners/hostages, which is arguably what happened the 7th of October since they asked for an exchange of prisoners as if it was their only goal,) massacres like this happened many times in the Middle-East(, Lybia, Syria, Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan, Yemen, …,) but we’ve never heard of them, not sure why it’s different now. It’s certain that many massacres in south Asia were hidden, african and south-american dictators were also covered as long as they fought communists/utopians.
    I’m not going to excuse myself for eternally regretting that they weren’t united, and being banned for that would be one of my proudest accomplishment, lies are fucking everywhere, i’ll never trust what we’re being told about designated enemies, people dying for God and calling for a more virtuous life can’t possibly be the opposite of what they’re preaching, they’re all dead now anyway(, 🇦🇫).

  • I only knew this one from him, prior to Lemmy(, even if i still haven’t seriously read any of his essays), worth a look[1] :

    edit(’s answer) :
    [1] : What sucks is that i’m certain we could live in peace, help each other, etc.
    Is it simply that capitalists fear to disappear if they allow communism to survive ? Then they should strictly restrict communist ideologies if they don’t entertain the thought of fusing both ideologies to keep the best in each(, e.g., by only allowing capital’s revenues for enterprises in order to keep this organic distribution, which is obviously not the solution, just an idea, theses need antitheses to evolve).
    So, if we agree to stop spreading capitalist ideals(, and even more our covert operations[2]), and other countries agree to never spread communist idea(l)s, as well as (c)overt operations ; and we’re adding that, e.g., citizens who want to change the ideology of their country will have to leave, they’re not allowed to be in politics ; then we’ll have found/searched ways to enforce a long-lasting diversity.
    But even if we’ve found these rules we’d also need for them to be strictly followed, supra-national institutions would have to be able to protect (from )(non-)westerners, with national armies gradually evolving towards a world army(, e.g., for natural disasters), and a support for countries to help them prove that foreign powers are interfering, and obviously a thousand more things, with as many “stress tests” before being adopted, etc.
    We’re not even trying to walk this path, yet cooperation/assistance is the path, we’re in it together.

    It’s also important to note that the current world would need to have much more diversity than currently, we would indeed preserve and be proud of our diversity/uniqueness while not trying to convert the others, but we’d need at least 5-6 different ideologies, and even thousands if we’re hoping for local variations.
    At most, we’ve currently got 3 of them(, free-market capitalism, communism, and theocracy/islamism), i suppose that royalism, republics, and direct democracy could be three more, and the kind of south-american indigenous movement that tries to revive its past a seventh one, but we’re still too homogeneous/‘close to hegemony’ on Earth, Africa has to carve its own path, and South America is too similar to the western world, Europe is also too similar to the u.s.a., and Australia&New-Zealand as well. And there’s obviously many more ideologies that have to exist, and also on other planes than socio-economy//‘political representation’//‘importance given to God/religion’.
    In comparison to westerners, Russia is more different from China, itself different from India, but it could/should still go further, and i’m not going to cite every country you got the point.
    If we reach a state where every “zone” has the same standard of living because we couldn’t fear anymore to help a future enemy, if we jealously preserve our own particularity, and once again can’t possibly fear to be attacked by anyone, then we would focus on something else than military expenses, (war )propaganda, … It’s not perfect but it gets closer, we simply need to get rid of every possibility of fearing something, from ideas to missiles. We’d first have to accept the possibility of definitely protecting ourselves&others, and then actively research how to do that.
    Kinda out of topic with @dessalines(, but not with u.s. atrocities)

  • Yet, correct me if i’m wrong, but in my memories ~90% of the redditors used “social justice warrior” as a.n insult/criticism(, against someone who’s acting excessively nice in defense of someone when there’s no need, like the expression “white knight” for those men on the Internet excessively defending other women, underlining that “social justice” deals with psychological “injuries” and not real injustices, the correct term should have been “societal justice” though since it never dealt with socio-economic matters), while nowadays only conservatives use “woke” as an insult towards other people, sometimes with a larger focus than the previous SJW, targeting everyone believing that some things ought to change in order to make a better world(, while conservatives generally don’t think that such things should improve/change[1]).
    Well, i.d.k., not that it matters but would you agree with this impression that “social justice warrior” was used all over the political spectrum ~ten years ago ?

    [1] : Far-right political parties want some things to change b.t.w.(, as well as parties unaligned with left//right such as separatists, ~ecologists, ~democrat{for a direct democracy with referendums}, ~royalists, ~theocrats, …).
    If conservatives are only defined with their unwillingness to change the current direction, then centrists are the real conservatives. Center-left and center-right bourgeois political parties were elected everywhere in the west(&‘most of the world’) for the last decades(, and had disappointed a hundred years ago in Germany leaving only two alternatives).
    We(sterners) saw a lot of societal changes in the last 70 years though(, not so sure for socio-economic changes however, once the productivity increase and its expected consequences for the workers are taken into account).
    If people don’t vote(, in the primaries in the u.s.,) for “extremist” parties that’s because we’ll vote for whom we’re being told to vote, and won’t stop trusting our (billionaires-owned )medias as long as we’re personally satisfied with the current situation.
    The problem is that our consent isn’t real/informed/enlightened, and we don’t use our collective intelligence, so we may collectively ‘agree with falsehoods’/‘make mistakes’, and it doesn’t feel like our republics represent the will of their population.
    If our government represented the will of the people then they wouldn’t hesitate before putting any important decision through a referendum, and having 3-4 of them every year(, emerging from the population instead of the government,) wouldn’t make our “representatives” afraid(, and if we’re realising our mistakes afterwards then there’s usually nothing that another referendum can’t fix).
    Beyond direct/real democracy, we’ll still say that it’s our duty to “democratize” the rest of the world, otherwise dictatorships would bloom everywhere and freedom would die, chinese people are happy but we(sterners) have to save them and paint a dystopia instead of rejoicing and teaching mandarin in american schools as a second language.

  • They’re also saying that these talks about inclusion are racist because positive discrimination is still discrimination. However, when you end a race second-to-last with weights around your feet you probably have more merits than the one ending in third place. Moreover this is about ending social reproduction more than rewarding personal merit, apparently India is the example of a long&successful experimentation of positive discrimination for their castes, of course that rich kids are better at school but that’s not justice.
    And while black neighbourhoods have the same results as white urban neighborhoods of the same level of poverty(, or arabs in France, etc.), and that the main reason is that they were raised by poor parents with friends of the same mentality, in a school for children like them, in a neighbourhood and an environment very particular, and while it isn’t genetic since their lives would be totally different if they were adopted, i could envision like 1-5% of their situation being related to a collective psyche, like you don’t want to do a shitty job for a white country, in comparison to asians who are excited to seize the occasion to rise again while it seems possible, it’s a different mindset but this kinda stupid/‘outrageously wrong’ racial explanation is marginal if it ever exists, and makes much less sense in my eyes than the environmental determinism that made peasants of the past engender peasants, and nobles engender nobles.
    Which would be good news since we could give everyone the same education as such nobles and that’d be good in theory.
    Minorities and people considered abnormal can be disliked and unjustly oppressed, perhaps not a lot in some cases ; in comparison normal people are privileged(, perhaps not a lot but, relatively, they are).
    Well, i don’t really care about these questions and there’s no point in talking about that here/‘with people that’d agree’. Woke seems like the new term for SJW

  • Quite literally apparently, weird :

    And this comment isn’t going to be loved, but if they don’t want more immigration for w/e reason then they should be allowed to do so.
    The nuances are that this desire is artificially built by billionaires who (pretend to )believe that immigration is a more important problem than socio-economic conditions, that everything will be better without immigrants, that our culture(, who has already been destroyed and replaced by a(n americanised) nothingness(, i don’t like the modern culture, those who died centuries ago are more interesting than our living idols,) is in danger since their children supposedly don’t want to be french/italian/…(, which is apparently incompatible with a dual nationality/culture, you’re a better french/italian/… citizen if you’re virtuous, wearing or not a veil/turban/… isn’t going to destroy whatever our culture became, since school the rich/privileged doesn’t hang out with the poor, and if other cultures are obviously less virtuous then ‘the proximity of our example’/‘our contacts’ should be enough to let them raise the issue, there’s a set of rules that could enable countries to be (almost )as diverse as they want without fearing for their liberty/security, and i hate that we(sterners) know that it’s possible, we’re not trying to make this world even better(, we’re still young hopefully), otherwise we would share a plan/vision and be excited about this utopia), and that we shouldn’t help “poor”(impoverished/exploited) countries, just prevent them to seek a better life instead of helping each other to reach an equal standard of living, etc. If immigration was a cultural problem they would try to revive the extinct culture of our past, beginning with greco-roman authors, i don’t know what is the french/italian/… culture they’re speaking of, it has disappeared many decades ago, we’re euro-american now and that doesn’t mean much(, i.m.o.), french poets or painters are dead, if it’s movies nowadays then we’re not present, same for the internet, getting rid of exploited immigrants ready to give up their life for a future they deserve more than us won’t change that.
    We’d need more diversity/‘french exceptionalism’ to have an identity.

    Unrelated thought : It is said that with rising inequalities there will be more investments and that this wealth will benefit everyone else, it’s inefficient for enterprises because of inequal wages and other money-pocketing practices that would be considered corruption in a state-owned enterprise, but it’s even more obvious when these investments are made outside of the company : investments in housing raise the rent and make it more&more out of reach to become an owner ; investments in actions raise the dividends and make it more&more out of reach to gain back the full control of the direction, … That rents are representing an increasing part of our salary, or dividends an increasing part of the companies’ profits(, despite increasing wage inequalities), shouldn’t be suprising.

  • The u.s.a. was already condemned in the case of Nicaragua and nothing changed and nobody knows that, in the very improbable offchance that Israel was condemned, they would just act like Russia when the International Court of Justice ordered them to leave Ukraine.
    Let’s say that our medias talk about this improbable success and, even more improbable, support the ICJ and condemn Israel, everyone would just forget a month later. Sure, there’s nothing to lose by trying, but not much to gain either, it’s not the beginning of an effective solution, it’ll be the exact same shit as before.
    And the ICJ wouldn’t even need to be considered the bad guy, the contradiction wouldn’t raise an eyebrow, but let’s say i’m wrong, have an hope in this if you want.

    edit : That’s an exaggeration, those who hate Israel won’t forget such judgment and would remind us when they got the chance, that’s the difference i’m seeing, so you’re right to say that it’s not nothing to be able to label them officially as genocidal, it’d add a new argument/insult of choice.

    That’s ~two every three years :

  • Stupid table :

    “Solution” Israel The west Palestine Arabs
    Israel’s destruction - - - + + +
    Palestine’s destruction + + + - - -
    Two-state solution - + - ?
    A balanced exchange with the west + - (-) + ? +
    A better solution + + + +

    If the west wants to gain Israel, it’s only just to ask for something in exchange after a 1500-years possession of the holy lands(, can’t see how that would be controversial).
    If the arabs(&muslims) want to obtain justice for palestinians&Palestine, Israel as nothing to offer in exchange, but is still a ‘western country’/‘gain for ‘the west’/u(.)s’.
    If we say that Israel will become less westernised with time, then the same thing could be said for a palestinian territory in Louisiana or Mississipi.

    If their eyes/pressure were directed at the west instead of Israel, they could obtain justice without more bloodshed.
    They don’t want to, those who could talk about a two-state solutions(, already disfavorable for them who never received anything in exchange,) and seems to have accepted that it isn’t respected by israelis colons.
    If they’re strong enough to withstand consequences that i don’t know about, then putting pressure on the west through every economical means available(, and progressively), through propaganda, lobbying, …, seems to me necessary(&enough?) in order to obtain justice(, thus, it’s even more certain that they won’t, the status quo doesn’t benefit them, except if they’re waiting for the west’s downfall before making a move).
    I can’t say more than that, this whole situation is unfair( and alternatives/“solutions” seem to exist).

  • This comment is useless because the only “solution” i found to avoid more killings and obtain justice despite the west’s selfishness is through economic measures. It should be accompanied with illegal&legal propaganda actions, and lobbying in order to obtain justice in the way they see fit(, a territorial exchange in my view but it’s up to them/palestinians), and that should be worth writing more about. And there must be a third/fourth/… way to obtain justice.
    But i also wanted to expand on what i wrote about their “powerlessness”, i still don’t see the negative consequences, so it’s easy for me to say, but i’ve quickly checked these graphs from ten years ago, and at first sight they seem to have the possibility to use this first suggestion of economic retaliation/pressure, wanted to share that somewhere :

    Just for the u.s. :

    It hasn’t work in the past, and i don’t think it’ll work in the future if the only counter-offer they make is Israel’s destruction. But they’re still entitled to something if they end up giving up on holy lands they possessed for 1500 years. They/Palestinians deserve justice, who will stand up for them ? War ending up in the survival of only one side isn’t the only alternative.

  • Israel also has its military in towns, it’d be easy to say that Israel is using human shields if we were bombing them(, and we(sterners) wouldn’t accept this “excuse”), Gaza is the most densely populated region in the world. This is a stupid excuse, yet we swallow it. Israel’s “only choice” is to have “unfortunate collateral damage”, for their “security”.
    In truth, Netanyahu wanted to end his career with a few dozen kilometers square of territory, and needed an excuse, but since most of his cowardly neighbours seems to have admitted that “Israel has a right to exist”, they may be indeed more secure by occupying and putting an end to the existence of Gaza.
    We(sterners) may be cowards ourselves, but we would have never accepted the situation if the roles were reversed, they’re entitled to demand&obtain more, this is a clear injustice that they shouldn’t just accept.
    And there’s no need to launch wars in order to retaliate, first they need to send humanitarian aid by all means, even against Israel’s will. Then they need to put all of their power to sanction Israel economically and put a blocus in place or something, i.d.k. how, they’re not weakened to the point of having no way to put pressure ? They need to do everything they can to take a revenge at the west, not stand there smiling as if they had no other choice. They don’t want more deaths, understandable, but more deaths isn’t their only option.
    Their main strength may be oil, that’s not enough but it’s still a card in their hand that needs to be played in full, and isn’t, i don’t see what cutting relations with the west could entail as negative consequences, but good relations won’t lead them to obtain justice, and there’s probably nothing we can offer that other countries can’t. If we don’t respect them enough to offer a just proposition in exchange for their holy lands, then why are they still talking to us, we’re their enemies, they can only invade one country at a time because arabs aren’t united, they didn’t defend Iraq, Syria, Lybia, etc., they can’t defend what’s left of Palestine, they’re not united.
    Netanyahu thought that there wouldn’t be that much negative consequences to his actions, they should prove him wrong, at the very least by setting diplomatic relations 50 years back and not stopping there, or not and they can choose to continue to be trampled on, we(sterners) don’t deserve their respect since we don’t respect them enough to be just.

  • And they’ve long gone past the retaliation of “an eye for an eye”

    The worst is that we’re still not offering a solution for this decades-old conflict, there must be a way to please both sides ! That’s what our medias should talk about instead of always act as a powerless spectator or judge, where is the list of solutions, why don’t we all know about the different possibilities ? Our actions only aim for the prolongation of the best outcome for us and the worst outcome for them, that’s not fair and they have every right to hate us for this injustice. Once again, how to resolve permanently&virtuously this conflict should be the main topic ‘on our televisions’/‘in our newspapers’, so that our leaders make the right/just/correct decision.