Welcome to Night Vale and QWERPLine
Welcome to Night Vale and QWERPLine
The close/delete account button.
Sometimes you need someone who has a tattoo on their penis.
I do find it funny when people do quote it’s bad for you based off a new study.
You then look at the study and it’s like ‘we gave mice 5x the amount of safe human consumption and the mice started acting oddly’
They just want us humans to have a good long sleep. Who wouldn’t want that?
Got a non paywall link?
Why did Marvel not put their intro at the start of a Marvel film? Likely because a director convinced someone this would make it more impacting.
Afaik there is no legal requirement to have the those at the start it likely is a contractual thing.
Transcripting is a job, but not likely for shows as they can just pull text from the scripts.
How about fudge?
Been a while since I have seen a warehouse 13 reference.
as long as your cost base does not go up
Inflation and greedflation would like a word.
If you selfhost a single user instance do you still need to register? I get registering if you host a multiuser instance.
Arguably the leviathan DLC for mass effect 3. Has you chasing down a mythical beast to help in the war.