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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 9th, 2024


  • I’m saying I dont see how guns will help you there either unless you plan to form your own militia I suppose.

    Besides this is all based on unfounded fears, which I prefer not to base my decisions on. Seat belts make sense. Most examples of gun ownership do not.

    While owning a gun might make someone feel safer, it absolutely increases the danger for those living in and around the house. I’m sure some situations mitigate that problem, and we could likely license those people to have guns.

    Suburban family of four does not need a rifle and handgun for each family member. Its far more likely to hurt someone in the family than to be used in a defensive manner. Besides the fact that guns are stolen ALL THE TIME and then used in violent crimes.

    The way we treat guns does not respect the power they provide and the multitude of uses they have, good or bad. People also have some false belief that making guns harder to get and more expensive would only affect legal owners. When a gun on the street goes for 300$ now its far easier to buy than if that same gun was worth 1000$ or 10000$, and contrary to popular belief people with severe mental disorders are not the target customer for a street dealer selling a gun.

  • I know it might be strange to think, but not even close to a percent of women frequent those spaces.

    Do you really think thats where youll find how the average woman feels?

    Those terms are just as foreign to the average woman as they are to us. If you dont believe me, go look at the male equivalent spaces to those you listed. See if the men posting there represent your views well.

  • Well, there is currently no requirement that someone be well-trained or understand collateral damage to own and use a gun in America. Some examples of other dangerous to use items that require training: cars, forklifts, surgical equipment. You can trust the people using those generally know how to use them and what bad things could happen.

    Using an anecdote of someone who saved their own life with a gun isn’t the slam dunk you think it is. I never said she shouldnt be able to defend herself. There are things besides guns to defend yourself with that are less capable of mass lethal events, such as tasers, pepper spray, small physical weapons/knives. Your friend also could fit into the well-trained group, which if we at least required licenses to own a firearm, she would still have been allowed to own and protect herself with it. I’m sure there would be many women who would want to be licensed to carry for protection.

    I’m willing to compromise a bit on the no guns thing, thats why I said professionally. I’ll add that if there were a license with a very short expiration and you have to prove competence in use, safety, and gun law, I think that would be reasonable. Sort of like the CCW permits some states use, but would be applied to all guns.

    I’m very skeptical of any efforts to make guns harder to use or less capable as a way to limit peoples behavior, but maybe there are some limited examples of exceptionally dangerous guns or guns with little practical use that would make sense for.

  • Vegan isnt for everyone, although as the other poster said there are different ways to vegan. But, people need to allow that not everyone has a body that can handle every kind of diet.

    I’m vegan so I just rather like not having to worry about all of the negative side effects of meat and dairy, but there are degrees to things, and a healthy diet could potentially include meat and dairy.

    I dont actually know the carnivore diet that well, so I based what I said on the assumption that you would be consuming so much cholesterol containing food that it couldn’t possibly NOT have an adverse affect on your life.

    Could I ask if you could be more specific on what caused you to change from vegan? More of a curiosity for me than anything.

  • I’m having flashbacks to my last meeting with my direct manager and their manager, where the managers manager told me I should be managing myself appropriately because I’m an adult.

    When I said, “well we need managers for a reason dont we?”, he replied " I dont know, do you?"

    And that was the end of that topic, literally.

    I hope Valve somehow has figured how that’s supposed to work, but the lack of communication that causes is so profound at my work, that almost noone knows what they are supposed to be doing or have any idea of what the bigger longer-term picture is.