Fight decades of misinformation on China with official Chinese sources.

  • 38 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: October 16th, 2021

  • qwename@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmygrad.mlAlready Free
    2 months ago I’d like to recommend the whitepaper published by the State Council Information Office of China in 2021, “Tibet Since 1951: Liberation, Development and Prosperity”:

    It’s a long read but most of the questions brought up in your comments here can be found in the first 3 sections. Maybe it will clear up some of the inaccurate presentation of history like “Tibet was separate from China before 1720”, “Then it was independent 1912-1950”. Feel free to question the Chinese government if you believe that certain facts presented in the whitepaper are wrong, and bring your relevant authoritative sources to refute them.

  • From today’s (Jan 31) Chinese Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference:

    AFP: It’s reported that the Chinese President yesterday in Beijing received credentials of ambassadors from many countries, including Afghanistan. Does it mean that the Chinese government officially recognizes the Afghanistan’s Taliban interim government?

    Wang Wenbin: China’s policy on Afghanistan is consistent and clear. As a traditionally friendly neighbor of Afghanistan, China is committed to a foreign policy of friendship towards all Afghan people and has maintained diplomatic ties and exchange and cooperation in various areas with Afghanistan. It is normal diplomatic arrangement for China to receive the new ambassador to China sent by the Afghan interim government and for him to present his credentials to the Chinese leader. We hope that the international community will step up engagement and exchange with the Afghan interim government, encourage it to actively respond to international concerns, jointly help with Afghanistan’s reconstruction and development, and support Afghanistan’s effort to combat violent terrorist forces and contribute to regional peace, stability and prosperity.

    Bloomberg: Can you state clearly if China recognizes the Taliban government or not. In the case where it does not recognize the Taliban government of Afghanistan, what does the Taliban government have to do in order to get official recognition from China?

    Wang Wenbin: I said in my previous answer that it’s normal diplomatic arrangement for China to receive the new ambassador to China sent by the Afghan interim government and for him to present his credentials to the Chinese leader.

    You asked whether China officially recognizes the Afghan interim government, I would like to say that China believes that Afghanistan should not be excluded from the international community. We hope Afghanistan will further respond to the expectations of the international community, build an open and inclusive political structure, adopt moderate and prudent domestic and foreign policies, firmly combat all forms of terrorist forces, develop friendly relations with other countries, especially with its neighbors, and integrate itself into the world community. We believe that diplomatic recognition of the Afghan government will come naturally as the concerns of various parties are effectively addressed.

  • The Bloomberg article cited ( or once again doesn’t mention the relevant institute by name, but here’s the Chinese article from Beijing Municipal Bureau of Justice: 2024-01-08 司法鉴定:司法鉴定揭开“隔空投送”匿名传输的神秘面纱

    This paragraph reveals how they found out the AirDrop sender’s email and phone number:

    北京网神洞鉴司法鉴定所的司法鉴定技术专家们通过深度解析iPhone设备日志,明确传输原理,找出了与AirDrop 相关的记录。经检验发现发送者的设备名、邮箱和手机号相关字段,其中手机号与邮箱相关字段是以哈希值的形式记录,且哈希值部分字段被隐藏。为实现快速破解该字段,技术团队制作了一张详尽的手机号与邮箱账号“彩虹表 ”,能够将密文转换成原始文本,快速锁定发送者的手机号与邮箱账号。

    Basically the sender’s phone number and email addresses were stored as hash values, but the hashes were just partial values. The judicial appraisal institute “北京网神洞鉴” created rainbow tables (precomputed table for caching the outputs of a cryptographic hash function, usually for cracking password hashes) to bruteforce the information.

    As Chinese mobile numbers follow certain formats (11 digits, starts with 1, known list of prefixes etc.) it is probably very easy to generate a rainbow table for this. Though the article doesn’t mention if the phone numbers and email had separate hash values so this is just one way to do it.

    From Apple’s “AirDrop security” page we can see that this matches up:

    AirDrop uses iCloud services to help users authenticate. When a user signs in to iCloud, a 2048-bit RSA identity is stored on the device, and when the user turns on AirDrop, an AirDrop short identity hash is created based on the email addresses and phone numbers associated with the user’s Apple ID.

    When a user chooses AirDrop as the method for sharing an item, the sending device emits an AirDrop signal over BLE that includes the user’s AirDrop short identity hash. Other Apple devices that are awake, in close proximity, and have AirDrop turned on, detect the signal and respond using peer-to-peer Wi-Fi, so that the sending device can discover the identity of any responding devices.

    This article is about the AirDrop receiver finding out the sender’s information, but doesn’t mention if the reverse is possible. But if we look at the same AirDrop security page, it is probable that in AirDrop “Everyone mode” an attacker could find out the information of Apple devices around them:

    In Contacts Only mode, the received AirDrop short identity hash is compared with hashes of people in the receiving device’s Contacts app. If a match is found, the receiving device responds over peer-to-peer Wi-Fi with its identity information. If there is no match, the device doesn’t respond.

    In Everyone mode, the same overall process is used. However, the receiving device responds even if there is no match in the device’s Contacts app.

    For people using Apple devices or even other brands, especially in the US, take caution as this is a finding one Chinese local government published, who knows how many vectors of attack the US intelligence agencies is aware of.

  • I agree with the part about owning our digital tools, the Fediverse community turns social media into a more transparent process with FOSS, and helps to turn otherwise complex software into user-friendly packages that can be setup more easily, thus putting more power into the hands of the people.

    We still have to keep in mind that decentralized FOSS social media platforms aren’t different from traditional social media in terms of potential to turn into reactionary walled gardens. So there needs to be something done different to avoid the cycle of:

    (anarchist) decentralization -> (capitalist) centralization -> (anarchist) re-decentralization

  • Edit: Even the original news from Times of India has changed the title to “Hindi research scholars from China visit RSS’ Smruti Mandir, Deekshabhoomi in Nagpur”


    2023-01-06 Hindi research scholars from China visit RSS’ Smruti Mandir, Deekshabhoomi in Nagpur

    A Chinese team comprising Hindi scholars, who attended a workshop at Wardha’s Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya (Hindi University), visited prominent places in Nagpur, including Smruti Mandir at Reshimbagh on their return trip on December 7. Smruti Mandir houses the memorial of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh’s (RSS) founder Keshav Baliram Hedgewar.

    RSS has clarified the Chinese delegation visited the Hedgewar memorial as part of its sight-seeing tour of Nagpur and did not visit the Sangh headquarters here at Mahal.

    Also, they did not interact with any senior RSS functionary at Smruti Mandir, which is open to all citizens and tourists for paying homage to the Sangh founder and does not even maintain a visitors’ register. Smruti Mandir in-charge showed them around.

    The Chinese team, which had earlier in the day visited Mahatma Gandhi’s Sevagram Ashram at Wardha, also toured other landmarks in Nagpur, including Deekshabhoomi, where Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar embraced Buddhism with lakhs of followers and the Zero Mile pillar.

    The delegation from China expressed optimism that the visit will go a long way in forging cultural and educational ties between the two countries. Students of Hindi University, Wardha, were also given prizes after a quiz and a Chinese calligraphy competition.


    I missed the later news when looking up this story, maybe someone can clarify if this is another case of media blunder.

    2023-01-05 Unprecedented: Chinese diplomats visited RSS Smruti Mandir in December

    In an unprecedented diplomatic engagement, a team of Chinese diplomats paid a visit to the Smruti Mandir of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) in Nagpur in the first week of December, media reports said. The RSS is notable for its ideological disapproval of China and criticism of Chinese expansionist policies.

    According to the reports, the visit, which transpired in early December, marked the first instance of Chinese diplomats of any level setting foot in the headquarters of the RSS. The delegation comprised middle-ranking officials from the Chinese consulates in Delhi and Mumbai. Despite their inability to rendezvous with RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat due to his absence, they were cordially received by a senior RSS functionary who escorted them around the campus.

    The Chinese delegation also graced Wardha’s Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya, a university renowned for offering courses in Chinese. This hints at a potential cultural exchange element associated with their visit.

    2023-01-06 ‘Team of Scholars Touring City’: RSS Denies Visit by Chinese Envoy’s Delegation

    A day after it was reported that a Chinese delegation from the envoy’s office visited the headquarters of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) in Nagpur, the organisation, in a clarification, denied the visit and said no such communication about the visit ever reached the Sangh office.

    According to an RSS functionary, the team was not from the envoy’s office, but a group of Chinese scholars that came to learn Hindi in Wardha’s Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwa Vidyalaya (Mahatma Gandhi International Hindi University). The team wanted to see some of the main tourist places in the city and their professor took them to the important ones, said the functionary. He added that the team that visited the Smruti Mandir (memorial of RSS founder Keshav Baliram Hedgewar) also visited other tourist places in Nagpur, including Zero Miles, Bapu Kutir and others.

    The RSS further clarified that the team did not meet any functionary and the RSS office was not aware of such a visit. “Smruti Mandir is open to all like Rajghat. So, there is no need to keep a vigil there. It is a public place and has nothing to do with the RSS head office or senior functionaries of the RSS,” he added.

  • Calling this “hanging out” with fascists is really stretching diplomacy to a twisted level that I’m uncomfortable with.

    There will always be unpleasant or downright nasty people in the world we have to deal with, China has decided to prioritize political means over military means to resolve differences, this is definitely not as revolutionary as some people would prefer.

  • From The Militant’s about page:

    It fought the Stalinist counterrevolution in the Soviet Union

    Their latest issue (Vol. 88/No. 1) has an article which says: Defend Israel’s right to exist! Fighting Jew-hatred is union question. Israel battles to stop new Hamas pogroms

    They certainly don’t ask about Hamas’ brutal dictatorship since taking over Gaza in 2006 and its arrest, torture and assassination of political opponents, crushing of union struggles and oppression of women.

    They list articles about their position here: Defend Israel’s right to exist as haven for Jews! Condemn Jew-hating pogrom! Call for cease-fire is support for Hamas (The record of the ‘Militant’ and the Socialist Workers Party)

    The list includes this bizarre statement from the Socialist Workers Party, which seems counter to reality: Defend Israel’s right to exist as refuge for Jews! Oppose US rulers’ moves to force Israel to give up battle to defeat Hamas. Fight against Jew-hatred!

    The U.S. imperialist rulers do not share the inescapable situation of Israeli capitalist rulers, much less Israeli working people, who must crush Hamas if their country is to continue to exist as a refuge for Jews.

    London, Paris and the other democratic imperialist powers act for their capitalist rulers’ interests too, as do Beijing and Moscow. But they are much weaker than Washington. In the eyes of all these predators, the peoples of the region are bargaining chips. Workers cannot rely on these capitalist powers to protect Jews from the assaults of Tehran and Hamas, any more than to safeguard the interests of the working class.

    Washington is part of a growing chorus pressing Israel to back off its efforts to eliminate Hamas as a military and terrorist threat to the Jewish people and accept a cease-fire, sure to be violated with new brutality.

    There is a daily barrage in the liberal media about deplorable conditions in Gaza, with no explanation that this is exactly what Hamas long planned and intended in carrying out the Oct. 7 bloodbath. This coverage is aimed at ramping up pressure on Israel to end its efforts to destroy Hamas and yield to the imperialist-dominated United Nations. U.N. bodies are among Hamas’ most prominent cheerleaders.

    Basically they

    • are against Jew-hatred
    • defend the right of Israel to exist
    • view Hamas as anti-Palestinian
    • parrot the US’s pro-Israel talking points while claiming that the US is pro-Hamas
    • lump China with other “democratic imperialist powers”
    • ignore how the US vetos UN Security Council resolutions that call for cease-fires.

    As for how they ended up in this pro-Israel position, it’s not uncommon to find the position of a party changing over time, maybe you could find something if you look through their history, but I would say that it’s a waste of time to analyze this paper, opinions are a dime a dozen, lousy opinions more so.

  • This “news article” has zero details and links to a twitter status with even less details:

    I search around and found two articles, both from “Jewish” sources, both quoting the Pentagon:

    • 2023-11-29 US: China ignored distress calls from hijacked Israeli ship
      • Chinese naval vessels ignored repeated distress calls from an Israeli-owned commercial tanker that was under attack by suspected Somali pirates on Sunday, according to the Pentagon.

      • Pentagon Press Secretary Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder confirmed that at least three People’s Liberation Army Navy ships in the area failed to heed the distress calls.

      • “So, my understanding is there were three PLA Navy ships in the vicinity. However, they did not respond. Supposedly, those ships are there as part of a counter-piracy mission, but they did not respond,” said Ryder.

    • 2023-11-29 US: Chinese Navy Ignored Distress Calls of Hijacked Israeli Ship
      • Chinese naval vessels ignored repeated distress calls from an Israeli-owned commercial tanker that was under attack on Sunday, the Pentagon said on Monday.

      • Pentagon Press Secretary Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder confirmed that at least three People’s Liberation Army Navy ships in the area failed to heed the distress calls.

      • “So, my understanding is there were three PLA Navy ships in the vicinity. However, they did not respond. Supposedly, those ships are there as part of a counter-piracy mission, but they did not respond,” said Ryder.

    This is the source from US DoD:

    A single Q&A buried in a long transcript from the US DoD turns into sensationalist title on two “Jewish” news articles two days later, and someone reposts it on twitter 3 weeks later with no details. This is how liberal propaganda works, please don’t promote this sort of shitty journalism.