He/Him 💕 Things I like: fountain pens, kilts, drawing/painting, tech/progrming, mandolin/music/barbershop singing, Hiking, skinny-dipping in forests

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • I’ve been getting a shiny pokemon team ready for Black/White remakes that will come out one day ~ (shiny-egg-trading on the 3DS)

    also swap-doodle on the 3DS - though I’ve been carrying it in my pocket for a few weeks in Sydney, Australia and haven’t street-pass’d anyone since 5 years ago (one person) the rest, 6 years ago @_@

    Add me and trade hand-drawn postcards n__n 33/M/Australia name: Pushka Friend-code: 1822-1028-6857 (reply with your FC

  • Edit - I can’t read , disregard this

    If the people you’re around are Christian - the phrase “David’s Friend Jonathan” can be a gay dog whistle , it’s a reference to the bible , but ppl blasphemously muse that it sounded pretty gay when Jonathan died and David said his love for him surpassed that of a woman

    2 Samuel 1 - 25 How are the mighty fallen in the midst of the battle! O Jonathan, thou wast slain in thine high places.

    26 I am distressed for thee, my brother Jonathan: very pleasant hast thou been unto me: thy love to me was wonderful, passing the love of women.

    27 How are the mighty fallen, and the weapons of war perished!


    Dunno if it’s related , but the Japanese Yaoi movement can be pretty cute and emotional ~

    Yaoi is an acronym / initialism meaning something like "no plot , no point (just spicy guy love) Also “BL” Boy-love

    It’s a genre started by underground female writers and comic artists writing gay fics for other ladies - comes in all flavours

    But if you find art / fan art / comics or anime - there’s the range of being friends , affectionate , new lovers, relationshipping ~~

    The trope is that the author and reader are embodied into a young feminine looking guy , and there is some love interest thats more manly and dominant looking - and so they’re being chased , kinda like man-woman gender stereotypes , but make it gay - There’s often great emotional stories , drama/love triangles , spicy gay stuff ~ can be very cute and gay

  • note that ‘ceramic’ water bottles (lining - frank green) - and “ceramic” sauce-pans and cook-ware are not made of clay - they’re made of a bunch of chemicals, teflon has some health concerns, but a bunch of research has gone into it, not so much into ‘ceramic’ products clay ceramic is not naturally non-stick , hence the other chemicals used

    bunch of notes on ceramic:


    How ceramic coated cookware is made

    A ceramic coated pan is essentially any metal pan that has a thin ceramic layer on top. The metal core or “substrate” of the pan varies. Some companies use anodized aluminum, an inexpensive metal and good conductor of heat; other brands use cast iron or stainless steel. Whatever the case, all ceramic coated cookware use some type of metal as a base.

    Most ceramic coatings are actually “Sol-gel” coatings consisting of silica (sand) and other inorganic chemicals. This is the preferred method of applying ceramic coatings to cookware to make them less- or non-stick. Sol-gel is typically sprayed onto the metal substrate and then fired at a very high temperature. Depending on the manufacturer, this curing process can range between 400 and 800 degrees fahrenheit. While Sol-gel coatings are technically harder and able to withstand higher temperatures than PTFE coatings, most companies advise their customers not to heat ceramic coated pans above 500 degrees, otherwise the ceramic coating could decompose. When this happens, the ceramic pan can lose its nonstick properties and the surface will become coarse or gritty. These pans are not usually recommended to use in the dishwasher or under the broiler.

    Are ceramic coatings nonstick?

    Ceramic is not naturally nonstick. This is why most companies use Sol-gel technology to create a ceramic nonstick coating. But the idea of ceramic nonstick cookware is kind of a misnomer. First, as we learned above, the slick surface on ceramic coated pans usually degrades over time; and this process can be accelerated if the pans are exposed to high heat on a regular basis. Some experts have suggested that ceramic coatings have about one sixth of the lifespan as their PTFE counterparts. The question you should really be asking is, for how long are ceramic coatings nonstick? A well maintained ceramic coated pan is expected to hold up for 1-2 years - that is not very long, especially considering the high price of some of these pans.

    Is ceramic nonstick cookware safer than other nonstick cookware?

    Because of all the controversy and speculation surrounding fluoropolymers and PTFE coatings, it is no surprise that there’s an abundance of scientific research on these chemicals. Unfortunately there is not a lot of historical research on Sol-gel and its effects on human health. That is not to say that one is safer than the other. However, purchasing your cookware from a reputable company can help limit your risk of direct food contamination. As the old saying goes, it’s better to be safe than sorry.


  • Actually Moses was VERY prudent, and strategically didn’t use the exact word ‘apple’ only ‘fruit’ and ‘of the tree’ - because he knew apple would be a litigious bitch

    Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?

    And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden:

    But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.

    And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:

    For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.