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Cake day: June 23rd, 2023

  • Disney will just cry and whine about how their streaming service isn’t making enough money.

    And that’s their problem. Not ours.

    Their failure to develop a business strategy shouldn’t mean that the rest of the world should pay for it. Netflix made money back when they were the de facto streaming service, maybe the old model of vertically integrated production & distribution doesn’t work any more, and maybe, just maybe, they should try catering to consumers who just want a one-stop shop , instead of trying to muscle in on every segment of the supply chain?

    As a society, we should never have let content producers and content distributors merge. And while we can’t do anything about Disney in Canada, we could, eg, force Bell to turn back time and split into it’s network and production businesses. Same for Rogers. Same for Shaw and so forth.

  • /r/toronto is a lot like /r/ontario that way, though /r/ontario it’s a little more hit-and-miss, depending on if you hurt a right-winger’s feelings that day. Normally it leans left, but if you say something even slightly risque (other than cheap jokes about Doug Ford) and someone gets their nose out of joint, it’ll get you banned.

    I managed to a few days ago, comparing Doug Ford to the protagonist from Denis Leary’s song Asshole. That got me, in no short order, a Reddit Cares email (which I report, because those really are the lowest form of harassment) and a ban for a day alter when, I suppose, that same right winger caught flak for abusing Reddit Cares.

    The time defore that was a suggestion that “things won’t improve in Ontario until the rich are afraid for their bank accounts, or the lives”. That got me another Reddit Cares message, which I complained about, and, yup, another ban.

    My local sub (/r/Peterborough) is remarkably level-headed. I’ll give it credit.

    /r/Canada’s a whole other level, though. Yikes.

  • The problem with the US (and Canada, and to a lesser degree the UK) is that the centrists would rather lose to the far right than legitimize actual leftism.

    We’ve seen this in Canada several times, at all levels, where the Liberals would rather go down in flames in an election, knowing that they’ll get another shot in a few years time, then share power with actual leftists in order to keep the right from doing more damage.

    I’m really impressed with Macron. That’s a level of long term holistic thinking that you don’t normally see from neoliberal politicians.

  • A problem for the people in politics and on social media who are profiting off it without believing in it is that, eventually, either Hamlet syndrome kicks in and you start believing it, or the fascist followers you’ve been yoking get out of control and you need to start doing actual Nazi stuff to save your own skin.

  • It’s a challenge.

    Southern is still a complex (and, for me, thoroughly unlikable) person with odious views, but it’s an interesting journey if for no other reason than you can see just how powerful a force tribalism is in human psychology; how it lets people get right up to the point of dealing with the incongruity of their tribe versus their safety/well-being/reality.

    The other place I saw this is in watching the flat-Earther documentary Behind the Curve: there’s moments in it when you can see people get within a hair’s breath of rationalization, but get held back not by stupidity, or ignorance, but tribalism.

    We make a big mistake in thinking that the reason people are the way they are because of ignorance or stupidity. That’s not it; they are the way they are because human tribalism has millions of years of success behind it. Up until, oh, the last hundred years or so, ostracism meant real death, so our monkey brains, though millions of years of selection, developed group cohesion and social strategies to help us stay within our in-group. Unfortunately, in the last century or so, that tribal instinct is proving maladaptive.

    It’s a little like how we’re evolved to process sugar, which has hundreds of millions of positive evolutionary enforcement, only to fail at the outside-context problem that is McDonalds & Coca Cola.