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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 7th, 2023

  • I get that you are insulted by my comment about crypto critics, but a few of your comments have shown that you lack the understanding of crypto to criticize it. Thus, you have validated my comment you found insulting.

    I listed a series of bullet points & you said Postgres can do that. Of course you can define those tables in any database. But the logic to perform operations on those tables for a transaction and accounting system must still be written. One of the main aspects of blockchains are exactly such an API.

    Second, you have shown that you don’t understand NFTs either. But thank you for at least admitting that you don’t understand what I meant by refs to blobs of data. So there is hope. Almost no crypto currency stores NFTs on-chain. Blockchains are designed to be super efficient since they are distributed transaction systems. When you buy an NFT, the actual data for compromising the NFT itself is stored somewhere else. The blockchain just has the token proving ownership.

    But the meta-problem is more important here. You are debating so confidently and asserting things so boldly, yet you don’t have the knowledge of the topic that a 2 hour tutorial would give you. That is the real problem. Why are people like this? Why do they read something that is essential an editorial and then go around vehemently repeating the points from that editorial?

  • I know what you meant by “state flag” but I want to be cheeky, so here goes:

    We didn’t pledge to a state flag but the federal flag. But the state of Maryland has a fabulous flag, and I’m still devoted to its design all these years later.

    For whatever reason, in the 70s, in Maryland, I only recall pledging allegiance in the morning at the start of school during first grade. I don’t think we did it past second grade. In any case, I took the opportunity to insert curse words. I would say it like, “I pledge allegiance to the shit, and to the asshole for which it shits.” I didn’t lower my voice either. I just figured that I would never be noticed. Thinking back, I am surmising that my teacher must have noticed at least once but just ignored it.

  • You don’t need NFTs or block chain for any of that.

    • unique items with serial numbers
    • record of ownership for items
    • transaction history of who bought/ sold the item
    • currency to pay for items
    • account balances
    • all that tied to some external reference to a blob of data that represents the thing being traded

    Sure, you don’t need blockchain and NFTs to do all that but once you invented that system you’d have effectively reinvented blockchain and NFTSs.

    The meta-problem here is two fold:

    1. For reasons I don’t comprehend, a lot of folks have been fooled by central banking propaganda that “crypto bad; me no like crypto bros”. Alan Greenspan, or whoever is modern equivalent is, ain’t yer buddy. And neither is the PR firm his friend hired to program y’all’s brains via Reddit posts from hundreds of deep socket puppet accounts.
    2. Involved video gamers (as opposed to people who merely play video games) from my experience, more than a typical person, tend to angrily seek scapegoats for I’m-not-sure-what. Therefore, a successful profitable and enduring enterprise like Ubisoft is one of their favorite targets of ire. So like any angry mob, whatever Ubisoft is doing then they hate it.

  • NFTs don’t make sense for a ton of things, but item trading in video games is one of the few ideal use cases, and, implemented properly, it would benefit players.

    There could be items that are literally unique and not just labeled “unique” but everyone can get one. Some collector-type players love that stuff. Limited run items could actually be limited run even if the studio waited a couple years and brought it back because you could tell original-run item vs cash-grab item by creation date and so on.

    In the future, if standards are established, you could even move items from ESO to GW2, for example.

    One benefit to devs and their players who care about fairness is rolling back (or entirely preventing) a duplicating glitch. I know there is always at least one case of this in every MMORPG I’ve ever played. Devs have to scramble, lock databases, screw up the rollback or don’t even attempt it, and the non-cheaters are all pissed.

  • I wonder if there is an order plus fan edit that makes it look like the reason Ani turned Darth was because of Ashoka leaving the order?

    Like New Hope, Empire, select episodes of Clone Wars, edits of Clone Wars and Revenge to remove Padme (can anything from Ashoka series be inserted?), then RotJ.