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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • Thanks!

    Yeah, my wife was initially diagnosed with depression instead of ADHD so I’ve seen that up close. Over a year of antidepressants that in the end just gave her non-stop panic attacks. Proper diagnosis and medication really helped her, as well as a group therapy thing.

    I’ve got my eye on a clinical psychology center that focuses on giftedness, and has experts in various fields, like ADHD and ASD on staff. I figure that’s a solid start compared to random psychologists.

  • My wife was diagnosed with ADHD last year, so I’ve read up on the topic and recognized a bunch of things in myself, but also found things that did not resonate as much. Then I encountered the concept of auDHD and that resonated more.

    Parallel to this I’ve been stuck in a low energy state for too long, so I’m looking to address that. The question is how. Digging deeper into neurodivergence is how I’m doing research on likely causes before picking a specialist to help me diagnose/rule things out. I’ve seen too many folks go down wrong rabbit holes based on not getting the right help.

  • It’s an interesting puzzle to see which things/symptoms you have vs which you have learned to cope/mask for, or which cancel each other outwardly but exist as internal contradictions.

    Most of the pure gifted and overlapping segments resonate, but the more isolated ones for ADHD and autism resonate much less. Makes sense, giftedness is a given for me, and allows me to compensate for a lot of other things (even if it costs me more energy than regular folks). It’s why I’m only now really considering the other aspects at age 37.

    My (computer) analogy is that it feels like my brain CPU has many cores and is overclocked, so much more powerful than a regular single core CPU regular folks have, but social interactions are something other folks have the equivalent of a dedicated graphics card for while I must simulate them on that overclocked CPU. It sort of approximates getting the job done, but it takes a lot of energy for a worse result.

  • How many nested layers of parentheses and separators can we get to?

    When I do a re-read (or a re-re-read, because communicating precisely to larger groups takes more preparation) I try to split convoluted braindumps with too many complications into separate sentences or even paragraphs. When I don’t… it’s sometimes a wild ride to reconstruct the brain tangents that led to the written sentence.

  • I strongly dislike ads, but want to support good platforms and content creators. I eagerly waited for it to become available in the Netherlands back when it was still called YouTube Red. I subscribed the day it became available.

    Ethical ad free YouTube: you support creators and the platform that hosts them, much better than through ads.

    Too bad most videos now feature sponsored segments so creators are effectively double dipping in my premium support and advertiser money. That is honestly more annoying. I have more respect for creators who have Patreon and don’t feature sponsored content.