Thank you
Thank you
Yes; the royal family does leave a poor taste in one’s mouth, generally.
I’d love a reference to where a citizen’s phone has been seized, if I missed it in this article I apologize.
If you’re traveling to the US for work and are not a citizen, ship your devices to where you’ll be staying. Bring a burner for the flight. Sorry we’re such a shithole.
What other effective solutions are being explored by the government? Let’s platform those.
Not good enough is a stepping stone to good enough and a great starting point for done.
Reward what works, disengage what doesn’t, and promote ideas that can grow.
Sceptism is important, dissent is healthy, but recognizing what will progress society and putting effort into that is what’s needed now.
Power off your phone. Tell the officer you forgot to charge the device. If they power it on, oh shit! You forgot your passcode!
My Mossberg 500 agrees.
Crash the economy and stock prices. Create a forever war for profiteering. Stick dissidents and the poor into for profit prisons. Consolidate more wealth at the top. The system is working as designed.
Salt Typhoon is my guess. That team would’ve heavily benefit from someone with Dr. Xiaofeng Wang’s connections.
You’re right the mini 13 was 5.4 inches, the smallest iPhone 16 looks to be 6.1 and the pixel 9 is 6.3
It doesn’t feel that big but compared to the mini, big.
Absolutely this. Bill Clinton was Reagan lite and it wasn’t until Obama’s grass roots campaign that the centrist Democrats were challenged. Hillary thought she could do what Bill did and appeal to “moderate Republicans” and that backfired because she alienated the left of the party and Bernie picked up that thread and ran with it.
Yes and… the 2016 DNC fuckup was when it escalated. But the momentum started with Reagan and nobody took their foot off the gas until Obama. Centrist dems definitely overcorrected and we ended up with Trump the first time.
Pixel 9 if you want to join the darkside, grapheneOS works well if you’re not a fan of google
“Who fucking cares? I dont play videogames to learn about history.” - frustrated inner gamer that doesn’t give two shits about what color the pixels are.
OpenBao is also an option. It is copy left and has no licensing fees.
Use watchtower folks if you’re self hosting. https://containrrr.dev/watchtower/
Absolutely correct. The truth that’s already out there is disgusting enough, leaves a bad taste in my mouth.