Unfortunately, modern cars will track you even if you block the plate. They all have cell connections nowadays for things like firmware updates and manufacturer tracking. You should assume that every single thing you do in your car is recorded and sent straight back to the manufacturer. Car companies have shifted their priorities towards selling data, not just cars.
If you go to a rally, don’t drive, and don’t take public transit because they all have cameras in the cabins. Ride a bike, walk, use a motorcycle, or basically anything besides a car or public transport.
Yeah, exactly. First world was allied with the US. Second world was allied with the soviets. Third world was basically everyone else, and was largely considered irrelevant to the Cold War. That’s why “third world” became a signifier of undeveloped countries; If a country wasn’t part of the Cold War, it was likely because they didn’t have enough developed resources or manpower to be considered a war asset. If they were developed enough to contribute, one of the two sides would have already been working on recruiting them to the war.