Not true. Though the nazis certainly built a lot of additional Autobahnen to prepare for the war, they knew they would start.
I don’t follow.
Not true. Though the nazis certainly built a lot of additional Autobahnen to prepare for the war, they knew they would start.
I don’t follow.
And nazis rolled out the highway system, but that’s not a reason to dislike it.
Which was what I was going at. I sort of assumed ‘chicken at 74’ was enough of a pointer :)
Where in the chicken I jam the thermometer makes several degrees difference. If you truly require that level of granularity whilst grilling, I’d wager reading a decimal figure isn’t the end of the world. Us normies can continue to bring chicken to 74 and call it a day
3 degrees celcius is easily noticeable too so that’s a bit of a moot point. If anything, 1 degree celcius is much harder to discern and therefore having an even more granular scale is unnecessary.
If coordinating with service providers is hard for a firm, I would argue the cost effective answer isn’t “let’s do all this in house”. Many big finance firms fall in this trap of thinking it’s cheaper to build v buy, and that’s how you get everyone building their own worse versions of everything. Whether your firm is good at the markets or kitchens or travel bookings, thinking you can efficiently in-source tech is a huge fallacy.
So disappointing, not a Stanley Cup in sight in the real thing!
Was something suggesting she wasn’t?
I am deffinetly picking this one.
Yeah he definitely has foreign roots but does speak perfectly fluently.
He knew to expect this, the Finnish broadcaster already did an article on him this summer, but without disclosing a name or face, citing that he is not charged with any crime.