It can’t be reversed after they’re dead.
You also can’t give them back the time that they lost.
It can’t be reversed after they’re dead.
You also can’t give them back the time that they lost.
No, we don’t trust them to “imprison people for life” too.
??? What the fuck? Where do life sentences come from then? The fairy-godmother?
This is why I don’t take you people seriously, lmao.
But imprisonment is a lesser evil and can be fixed to some extent in the case of fuck up.
So it’s acceptable to imprison innocent people for life but not kill them? Or, maybe, your “we can’t trust them” argument was always stupid and you’re just having trouble reconciling that fact.
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Everyone who voted for hillary clinton in the 2016 primary over Bernie Sanders should be blamed for why we have 2 trump presidencies.
Democrats have shown they’d rather have trump than a candidate who actually fights for the working class.
You did great work and should feel proud of it.
It’s a shame that they’re specifically targeting those who want to do good, just to enrich those who want to do bad.
The useful idiots have unfortunately won, on both sides.
I don’t think you know what you’re talking about.
But we can trust them to imprison people for life? 🤔
The “logic” among you people is really a sight to behold. I can tell you’re just saying what you think will make you look good in front of your peers.
I don’t have an issue with the death penalty.
The pushback against the death penalty and the idea that prisons are for “rehabilitation” instead of punishment is really just new-age nonsense by people who are afraid of the real world.
It’s why we pretty much only see them making these arguments on the internet; it’s the only place they can survive.
I don’t care about a manhunt for tesla owners, specifically.
All rich people can get fucked though. Millionaires and billionaires. They need to be working overtime to fix the problems they caused. Otherwise, they’re enemies and deserve to be treated as such.
Anyone who has the excess wealth to afford a tesla and chooses to buy one over helping those in need can get fucked.
Good, but there’s still more to go.
Karma is a bitch.
It’s really cool, actually.
People buy expensive cars while children starve just so they can look good in front of their peers. I support whoever damages their status symbols.
Dogequest said it will remove the personal details of Tesla drivers only if they can prove they have sold their vehicles.
That’s incredibly fair. They shouldn’t have had the money for those vehicles in the first place.
Sell them, get something cheaper, and use the money to help people that will never be able to afford a fucking tesla.
You shouldn’t be ok with doxing people even if they are not good people.
What if they’re pedophiles?
I don’t care because they waste their money on bullshit status symbols while kids go hungry. Their cars literally cost more than my house.
They can honestly get fucked and I hope a lot worse comes to them until they start doing their part to reduce the disparity in wealth.
Why limit it to just teslas? Make everyone who wastes money on a luxury vehicle while their are starving children regret it.
Both may be overrated.
Outer worlds is insultingly short.
Hating the US has become the cool thing to do.
It’s a good way to identify who the children are that get swept up in internet hysteria.
Why don’t people just get into game development?
It’s not like we’re going to run out of video games to make.
How do you give them compensation after they’ve died in prison?