• 13 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • khaosworks@startrek.websitetoRisa@startrek.websiteMake it go Mr. Data
    11 months ago

    Oh the subspace outside is rippling

    And the short range sensor’s tripping

    I suspect there’s a cloaked ship, so

    Make it show

    Make it show

    Make it show

    Send a tachyon pulse to check it

    If we’re lucky we’ll detect it

    Then we’ll give it a tetryon glow, to

    Make it show

    Make it show

    Make it show

    When their ship is at last revealed

    Arm the phasers and lock as they pass

    We will watch as they flee the field

    With a photorp up their ass

    So the Romulans keep on flying

    As we wave at them goodbye-ing

    Till the next time they have a go

    Make it show

    Make it show

    Make it show

  • khaosworks@startrek.websitetoRisa@startrek.websiteToday in Trek Trivia
    11 months ago

    The back pain due to injury is true, but the reason he sat down that way isn’t because of that. Frakes confirmed in an interview that he did it because he thought that would showcase Riker’s cockiness. Nobody stopped him from doing it, so it stuck.

    The back injury, however, is the reason behind the “Riker Lean”.

  • Allowing the rotational periods of the planet to continue and liquid dihydrogen monooxide to immobilize me. Allowing the rotational periods of the planet to continue and liquid dihydrogen monoxide traversing subterranean layers. Into the azure colored atmosphere once more, when the currency has been expended. A single moment in the years that consist of a lifespan and liquid dihydrogen monooxide traversing subterranean layers.

  • You may be thinking of Ch’Pok, the Klingon advocate from DS9: “Rules of Engagement”, where they were trying to extradite Worf on the grounds that he had destroyed a civilian transport.

    CH’POK: I look forward to fighting on your terms.

    SISKO: This is not a fight. It’s the search for the truth.

    CH’POK: The truth must be won. I’ll see you on the battlefield.

    And later:

    CH’POK: What matters to me is the thrill of the fight, not which side I’m on. And I think we both know the extradition fight is over.