• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • Fell asleep to some video of the difference between Quebecois and Parisian French. Felt somewhat better after and made it to airport short term wait area. No hope of any meal prep tonight so I think I’m just gonna have to write off the rest of today and consider a sickie tomorrow if I don’t feel any better. Blurgh. Brain no can use

    e: do you know where they should take people for their driving test? Airports arrival queue esp turning left from Centre Rd. Straight up insanity. If you can survive that and keep calm and not make any wrong turns/lane changes you’re good to go. Home now and getting straight to bed.

  • I woke up okay but procrastinated on my phone in bed to the point of a throbbing headache once again. And now I’m nauseous and feel extremely yuck. Why did I do this to myself? I can barely think now. I’m sure I would’ve felt a lot better if I yoinked myself out of bed at 9 and ate and drank like a normal person. Then I saw the news headlines and my immune system probably decided to give up at that point.

    I am doing my best not to keep thinking about how sick I feel and woe is me. I don’t think I’m actually sick sick. Having some fancy shop bought minestrone soup to try and soothe the system. Need energy to do some meal prepping and then pick someone up from the airport tonight. I can do this…

  • I’ve known you were a SomaFM listener from years ago ;) I might’ve mentioned in passing back on reddit. Been listening on and off since 2006. Mainly the OGs - Secret Agent and Groove Salad. I think you’re the only one I’ve encountered other than the internet friend that got me onto it initially.

    this got long

    Nowadays I mostly listen to Drone Zone to help me sleep. Left Coast 70s does recycle the same tunes unfortunately, as do some of the “lesser” stations; I imagine licensing costs a bomb. But it is a great vibe for about 45 minutes esp when on a long drive. I was into Indie Pop Rocks and PopTron for a while in the early to mid 2010s, and HEAVILY into Folk Forward and Irish tunes on Thistle Radio exactly between 2013-2015. Got into Beat Blender + Fluid in the late 2010s. (Those two are so good for emotional bus rides at night in the rain)

    When I’m working I might tune into Deep Space One for calm concentration, or The Trip for hectic rapid fire action to block out the world.

    I haven’t listened to that much SomaFM in the last year or two tbh. Been mostly tuning into PBS FM, but when I really want all music and no talk, SomaFM is the best. Coincidentally enough, though, i did blast several hours of Secret Agent through my headphones last night just like the old days. They even played this nostalgic track that, as one YT commenter put it, “makes me fall in love with life again” every time I hear it, no matter how much it sounds like a cheesy Nintendo BGM.

    I can’t say female vocals are my thing but I should give Space Station Soma a crack! You’re damn right though that it’s one of the most dedicated and longstanding listener-supported radio stations ever. A nice corner of the internet that still feels like the old days; may it never change.