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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Thank you for confirming. Just before seeing your reply Notification I saw the “BE: 0.18.0” at the bottom of the webpage, and took that as a sign that you must’ve resolved whatever issues you’d had.
    Jerboa is now accepting my login attempts, inasmuch as it isn’t giving me the server incompatibility message anymore.

    Thumbs-up, there. :)

    Now Jerboa just thinks my username/email and password are invalid for lemmy.cafe login.
    I’m just going to let the dust settle for a bit, keep trying in a few hours or tomorrow.

    Thank you, again!

  • Does that mean the update is/did not complete yet?

    Reason I ask is Jerboa got updated to 0.0.35 on my phone sometime mid-day today, and, when I launched it, was presented with the warning:

    Server version (0.17.4) is under the minimum supported version (0.18).
    Please inform your administrator and login to another instance, or sign out and use the default instance.

    I logged out of my Jerboa profile on lemmy.cafe, which (unbeknownst to me) deleted the profile outright, which I presume & hope is a Jerboa bug.

    I can re-add the profile again, no big deal, but it can’t login to lemmy.cafe, for the same server version incompatibility error:

    Server version (0.17.4) too low.

  • Like @Cycadophyta, I’m not particular in my coffee needs.

    Weekdays I drink a cup of Maxwell House at breakfast (never Nescafé; I avoid giving Nestlé my money whenever possible, and at supermarkets around me it’s either Nestlé or Maxwell). No coffee during the workday, as I’m typically outdoors or on the road, and, uh, restrooms aren’t always available, or convenient an hour or so after I might otherwise like a cup of Tim Horton’s.

    Weekend days I’ll have a 1-liter pot of grocery-store medium-roast beans that I grind coarse for my French press. That’s as snobby as I get: knowing that it’s called a French press, and that a coarse grind means no silt at the bottom of a poured mug.

    I never bought-in, literally or ideologically, to Starbucks coffee. Never have tasted their wares. I figure, it’s just coffee: if I want to participate in group culture with my coffee I’ll drink it at snack time with a cup of yogurt. The few times I’ve been inside a Starbucks shop is to use the restroom (see above).

    As for McDonald’s, personally I’d decline. Do you know about that cheeseburger and fries that were bought at the last McDonald’s in Iceland, back in 2009? As of 4 years ago (2019 date of that BBC article linked) they were still intact. McDonald’s positing that “without moisture in the environment, they were ‘unlikely to…decompose’” is all well and good for a burger and fries, but that still-not-stale coffee you made hours ago ain’t moisture-free. Have you experimented to see how old a pot can be before it’s undrinkable, or, dare I suggest, sprouting?

    I hyperbolize for humour, of course. I’m so unpicky that I don’t even know what stale coffee would taste like: I’m not averse to nuking a cold mug for a minute to reheat it. But I’ll drink it with just a bit of half-and-half in it, and you can enjoy your old McDonald’s brew with whatever is in it.
