Because they’re X haha
Behavioral data at least. When and how person charges phone, how much they use phone and what times.
There’s slight difference in resource usage of course, which does scale if you’re unlucky enough to have lot of them.
Minimum ram required is 512mb for core, 2gb for desktop experience so we can safely assume keeping the gui usable eats some 1.5gb memory. 500 servers adds some 750gb overhead in theory.
Then there’s of course the fact that less bloat will generally add up to less problems. Ever rdp to a server and start menu refuses to open or other weird gui shit. That’s just wasting your time.
To be honest, if you really need Windows servers you should run core if possible. Basically all Microsoft’s management shit can be run remotely from your jump/management host. That said a lot of shit requires gui and refuses to run on core, like adsync
Because road bikes are for sissies. Real men ride the mountain.
Dura-ace? Ditch. Ride Saint, bitch.
Patching recent ssh vulnerabilities I see
Oppression is okay because Christians do it too
Downloading a copy of media or software is just a copy. You can make infinite copies, and you’re not taking anything away from the creator for copying it.
Thus all piracy is ethical.
Wouldn’t this verification allow google to follow you better in the web, as they’re verifying your signature every time you visit a website?
Then do that, or choose not to.
You can also feed yourself by growing food or hunting. Neither of those are banned, just more inconvenient and you probably have some other skills to sell and buy food instead
Of course it’s voluntary. You choose what you buy, when you do it, how much and from whom.
If someone held you on gunpoint and told you to buy their product, that would be involuntary.
“Inspection” as in you pay some bureaucrat $X and he signs you a paper so you can put a sign on your fking wall
Permit doesn’t prevent that.
City officials say replacing letters or symbols on buildings, or erecting a sign on top of one, requires a permit for design and safety reasons.
OK but this is pretty ridiculous too
Criticizing other leftists doesn’t make you a “bar nazi”
If you’re going 50km/h on a bike line, absolutely no one driving car is expecting you to arrive to the crossing in 3 seconds from 50 meters away.
You absolutely have to slow down to a crossing on a bicycle, motorized or not. And this is coming form an cyclist who doesn’t own a car or a license.
Edit: also if you’re speeding like that on bike lanes where others are going on average less than half your speed, you’re causing danger to others.
Ride like maniac and die like maniac
Islamophobia is not right wing. You’re mixing it with racism. Transphobia is not right wing, just more common in the right.
I think the whole claim is just plain stupid regardless of the context. In Islamic theocracies atheism would basically be heresy.
Also the claims about transphobia. That has nothing to do with being an atheist and all about being an asshole.
Deleted original reply because Jerboa sucks ass with editing messages