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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • It will be questioned, but you have a good explanation. The tricky part is explaining it elegantly. Hiring managers kinda glance at resumes so you should add a sentence at the end explaining that you were let off due to internal company reasons. You should also try and get a letter from the company explaining that it wasn’t for performance reasons. Even better would be to get letters of recommendation from your coworkers and manager. Hopefully they’ll be extra nice to you due to your situation, but you need to be proactive about it.

  • At the end I said at the volume of consumption we have. If everyone switched to wild game we’d instantly go from over population to over hunting and that’s not sustainable. You wouldn’t be able to support the volume with pasture raised without deforestation either. Raising your own animals also wouldn’t match the volume that people eat meat currently either. Even if we were more efficient with the meat we use I still think we’d be orders of magnitude off. I’m not totalitarian anti meat, I just don’t see any path to sustainability without huge decreases in consumption. The things you pointed out are great, but I think we can’t mislead people into thinking that will be enough for them to not have to change their eating habits.

  • Yes, it’s still a transpiler, I’m not saying it isn’t, but what I mean is that it doesn’t add any functionally specific to the typescript language. There’s a transpiler for TS that doesn’t even do any type checking at all and just does the type stripping and back porting. But of course, that’s not why people use typescript. All the features that are actually important to typescript could be done through a linter instead. If type annotations were added to JavaScript you could get most of typescript’s features with linting rules and just handle back porting in a more standard way.